If D*ck could talk
October 21, Friday, 2022
At the age of 5-12
It is an age when both boys and boy's banana make mistakes, for example, in the middle of the night when a boy of this age goes to do 1 no in the drain next to the house, he wakes up to find that he has not done 1 no in the drain next to the house in bed.
At that time the conversation between the boy and the boy's banana,
The boy- holy sh*t! What have you done?
The boy's banana- what? You signal me for do pee, I did? There is nothing wrong!
The boy- don't you have any common sense? Where to deliver the water? You idiot!
At the age of 15-before marriage
In teenage and before marriage, banana use is not only used for water supply but most of the water supply is used in handicrafts. The boy- open his laptop, click on chrome browser then enter a po** site. After entering the p******* he touches his banana.
His banana- hold on brother! This is third of today you are touching me. Give me some break, let me heal. Otherwise you can't use my father anymore.
The boy- what is happen to you? This is not first time, you didn't have any complain before, why today? Today is the time, because today is holiday!! All the day I feel boring what should I supposed to do?
His banana- there are lots of work in the world. You can work for your country, for your Society, for your father and mother, for your family, for your career! But what are you doing! This is nonsense. Use your time in the best way.
The boy- nah, you are only my hope. You are my time, you are my everything.
His banana- If that was the case, you would have taken care of me a lot, instead of doing that, you have made me old, so that I can no longer stand on my own feet.
The boy- Who said I don't care about you? I use moisturizer on your body every night, so you don't get rough!
His banana- WTF are you talking about? You've used moisturizer only for your own benefit! Not mine
The boy- (1 minute Silence) you get me wrong. Now stand up and talk with me face to face!
His banana- face to face? Oh, okay! Hell no!! I don't want to stand up right now. I'm tired, I can't stand! Already three time in 24 hours! No more. Get married, then use ask me for stand. Actually you don't need to ask for stand when you will get married, I'll talk face to face with my full strength
The boy- Then how will I pass my leisure time?
His Banana- Go outside man! Give me some fresh air, I need to breathe, later we will think about your leisure time. Not today
At the age of 50-more
The banana died!
The banana is rubbed harder nowadays than what's the coal had to suffer to become diamond, lol.