Football- Our goal

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Written by
1 year ago
Topics: Football, Soccer
October 17, Monday, 2022

Within a few days, football has been mixed in my blood. Even last 2-3 years I was a cricket fan and now my favorite sport is football. Previously I was not very good at playing football, also playing football is very prone to injury and even 100% chance of getting injured. Because those who play football will get injured at least once in their life.

But since I got addicted to football, I never had to worry about injuries. The main thing for me was going to play every afternoon. But that game was no longer possible when I came from home to the university because there is no such group of friends in the university who are involved in football. But after much searching we formed a football team with some boys from our chemistry department. We used to play football every day with the football team, which is only five minutes away from our house.

But the funny thing is, all the people I formed a team with played much better than me because they loved football a lot since childhood. Maybe my clay making is a little lower than others because of my love for football of late.

Recently a football tournament was organized by our department in which all the teams we formed participated. Also there were many boys in our department who participated and showed very good performance. But I have to retire from the tournament due to personal and family reasons. As a result, I did not have a place in the squad that was selected for the final football team of the department. But throughout the year I had only one thought that I would play for the men's squad of my department.

Yesterday the knockout match of applied chemistry department started with our chemistry department. Whichever team we or the opponent wins they will qualify for the next match.

I don't think there are so many spectators around the field during this match. Thirty percent of the spectators who came to watch the match were boys and girls from five batches of our department. Among the rest, 20 percent were from the recruitment team and the remaining fifty percent people were general students of the university. Although I could not play on behalf of our department, I was the only photographer in the department. That department took pictures of every moment of the game.

The match of Chemistry vs Applied Chemistry was very exciting. Both teams were fighting evenly but we scored first through the head of the cross ball from the corner to go ahead 1-0. An easy scoring chance later came up but the forward failed to score and it was shot wide of the goal post.

The game was tied at 1-1 in the last minute, although the opponent created a chance but the referee ruled against it. Basically in the middle of the game while defending the ball inside the D box, one of our defenders put the ball in his hand. Which in simple terms is handball and the opponent could use the handball to easily score from the penalty. But the referee disallows the handball, pretending he didn't see the handball. But all the spectators inside the gallery were witnesses of that handball.

The match went to penalties, and the last goal was saved by our goalkeeper to give the first win for the Chemistry Department. I reported a short video of the winning moment which was uploaded to YouTube as a short video. You can see it if you want.

ম্যাচটি শেষ হওয়ার পর সকলে আনন্দ উল্লাসে মাঠ ত্যাগ করেন. কিন্তু আমরা সকলে আবার একটি নির্দিষ্ট স্থানে অবস্থান করে এবং পরবর্তী ম্যাচের জন্য পরিকল্পনা শুরু করি. কেননা পরবর্তী ম্যাচ গুলো আরো কঠিন হতে চলেছে যেগুলো আমাদের বিজয় লাভ করতেই হবে.

The place is our language day Martyr premises. Basically, our main goal now is to ensure the final by playing the same way we won the first match and the next matches will be better and win the final.

This is it, thank you for reading :)

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$ 0.27 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for Sajibb
Written by
1 year ago
Topics: Football, Soccer


Yes we are winners. We have achieved this victory after many efforts.😍🤜🤛

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thanks buddy, yeah it's a great achievement

$ 0.00
1 year ago