Case 1: Nevada-tan, 11 year old Japanese killer.

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2 years ago
Topics: Documentary

Does it ever cross your mind that a kid could kill someone? or maybe could kill you? because if you ask me my answer will be no I mean, how could a kid kill someone if they cant even take care of themselves yet, right?

In this article I will be sharing a disturbing case that circulated Japan in the year 2004.

The 11 year old Japanese killer, Nevada-tan/chan.

Japan, 2004.

June 1, 2004. It's just another peaceful day in the city of Sasebo town people are driving to work, kids walking to school and just doing there daily routine everyday but that exact day two families about to have their lives change FOREVER.

Two young girls named Natsumi Tsuji and Satomi Mitarai are known to be good friends, they used to play during recess, they even played together on the same basketball team and just fool around because that is what kids are supposed to do. But little did they know that a feud had already started between Natsumi and Satomi days before. Now back in 2004 social media is actually not a thing so you can't really talk to your friends through social media but people created a messaging boards to talk outside of school it wasn't like Facebook and messenger or any social media apps that we have today but it's still a catch. Satomi and Natsumi's feud started on one of these boards when Satomi said some pretty nasty words to Natsumi like making comments about her weight and being a "goody-two-shoes" in class.

Now, we know that kids fight all the time just like me and my friends when I was a kid, We fight and won't talk to each other but as the tie goes by well forget about it and play together again. For Natsumi that wasn't the case, one day when Natsumi said goodbye to her mother to go to school she had a little secret.

In her pocket she was carrying a box cutter.

That morning everything is normal, it's just another normal morning in their school. Both Natsumi and Satomi went to class and there's actually nothing suspicious on both of them not until lunch break. Natsumi ask Satomi if she could come with her in the classroom, an empty classroom to be exact. When they arrive to the classroom Natsumi attacked Satomi who used to be her friend and she stab her in the arms multiple times resulting Satomi to cry and scream in pain and for her final blow she cuts Satomi's throat resulting to Satomi's death. After she cuts Satomi's throat she didn't panicked or anything she just stood there watching Satomi bleed to her death and when Satomi stop breathing Natsumi even kicked her in the head just to make sure that she was truly dead.

If that wasn't a psychopathic thing then I don't know what is.

She was still holding the box cutter when she left the classroom her clothes are even covered with blood when she returned to the canteen where her classmate, schoolmates, and teachers are eating, when they saw Natsumi covered in blood they assumed that she's hurt and ask her if she's fine or did she hurt her self. Natsumi answered saying "これは私の血ではありません" or "this is not my blood". The teachers immediately called the police and when they arrived they found that Natsumi had drawn the curtains in the classroom before Satomi arrived. They found Satomi's cold body laying face down in the floor. The school called Kyoji Mitarai , Satomi's father and informed him on what happened to his daughter. It was heart breaking news for Kyoji. Schools are suppose to be a safe place for Students so imagine getting a call from the school and informing you that your child just die is a nightmare. Kyoji is a single father so he was raising his three children alone. When he was interviewed he said that he couldn't imagine life without Satomi around.

It was reported that when the police came and arrest Natsumi she already regrets her actions but that's already too late. She confessed to the crime on the spot and told the police that she did a very bad thing she repeatedly kept saying that she's sorry as they took her into custody. When she was in the station she refuse to speak nor eat she just stayed silent so the officers are frustrated, how can a girl do this to someone who she used to call a friend. She spent her night in the station crying but when morning arrived she finally starts eating and she confessed why she did the crime. By that point news already spread across Japan so hundreds of people offered their condolences to Satomi and her family others called for justice against Natsumi. Months before Natsumi's trial police did some investigation so they can properly understand on how can a young girl can do this to someone. Despite Natsumi being a good student there were signs that Natsumi was having some difficulties. She loves playing basketball and she had a lot of friends but months later everything went wrong when her parents were not happy with her grades and they forced Natsumi to quit the basketball team so that she can focus on her studies in short she was under a lot of pressure maintaining her grades and participating in after school activities. She needs high grades so she can enter a good school in the future. Police also discovered that Natsumi became interested in dark media, cartoons and movies that weren't appropriate for her age. It was also reported that she was into "Battle Royal" novel where school kill each other in order to survive.

They also discovered that Natsumi had fight with other student and she even bring sharp objects in school just a month before she murdered Satomi. This made a huge discussion about internet content and how can parents prevent their kids from accessing this kind of material because what if Natsumi didn't found out about this stuff online she wouldn't have done that so Satomi.

It was later on suggested that Natsumi might have been suffering form Hikikomori Syndrome were a person is addicted to social media and have depression though it was not confirmed. On september 15th, 2004. according to a Japanese Family court Natsumi should be institutionalized despite her not having some psychopathic disorder the crime she did led the court to overlook her age and considered her to be a threat to the society. She was sentence to two years in institution in Tochigi prefecture but in was extended for another two years at her hearing in 2006.

In the year 2005 Natsumi and Satomi should have been graduated and despite what the court said about her being a threat to the society they still gave Natsumi a certificate to give her a chance to enter the society as a proper citizen in the future. In 2008 Natsumi was released from custody but she was still under house arrest and in 20013 she was fully released so her and her family moved to and unknown location in Japan. Now that wasn't the end. The news is still circulating Japan and despite not knowing her name a photo of her wearing a University of Nevada sweatshirt started circulating and that is when people started calling her Nevada-tan or Nevada-chan, if you didn't know the "chan" expresses that a persons finds another person endearing. Despite on what she did people finds it fascinating so the topic of Nevada-tan/chan became popular on messaging boards in Japan and across the rest of the world and people started drawing her in some anime style character.

they literally turned her into an anime and manga character. It was rumored that she's wearing a Nevada sweatshirt when she killed Satomi so people draw her in Nevada sweatshirt and because of that the university of Nevada temporarily stopped selling their sweatshirt after a huge surge in sales.

It was like they forgot that Natsumi is a real person and not fictional character and she literally killed someone in such a young age.

so what do you guys think?

When I discovered this case I didn't actually thought that they will turn her into character and stuff because that is a serious case and people shouldn't find it fascinating, a person was actually killed.

Anyway, that's it for this case I hope it's okay because I haven't write an article for so long. I hope you have a nice day or night!

Photos not mine credits to google and to the owners.
credits to google and Anna solves for the case.
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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Documentary


I can't believe that a minor can do that. Bigla tuloy akó kinabahan kasi I have a son na din. Sa totoo lang, I dunno if we can blame her parents pero sabi nga ni ate pachuchay, we all have murderous minds. Nati-trigger lang yan sa mga nakikita natin na bagay bagay lalo na ung mga nang yayare ngsyon sa paligid natin..

Isa pa, ang pangit naman na parang nagustuhan pa ng ibang tao ung character nitong killer na to at ginawa pang character sa anime. Para sakin parang niro-romanticized pa nila ung mga ganitong character ng tao. Very wrong...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Na pressure lang po talaga sya pero that doesn't explain why ginawa yun. The fact na parang ginawa nilang fictional yung nangyare na parang isang manga volume lang is wrong

$ 0.00
2 years ago

yeah! ang weird naman non.. pero doon sa bata. Kawawa siya kasi bata pa lang nagawa na niya un... Hanggang pag tanda nya dala dala nya ung burden na yon

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Anyone can have a murderous mind anak..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Tru ma

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well, that's one scary story you got there. Human brain can be very complicated that even kids can commit heinous crimes like this. There are so many killer kids also that I read from America. Hope their parents would guide them in the right way though.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

True, and the fact that they are all out their scares me

$ 0.00
2 years ago