Maybe you are wondering why God haven't granted your pray yet. Some times you doubted Him. But have you asked yourself about your prayer? Will your prayer only benefits you and will put other people in danger? Does you heart desires greediness? There are things that can not be given to you and these are just few reasons:

  1. God is protecting you. Why does God protects you by not giving what you prayed for. Because you can easily be swayed by earthy temptations. You can a sudden change of heart. And that granting your prayer will make you change and abandone your better self
  2. It is not for you. Some people asked, "God, I want to become the next President" but He didn't let it happen. Why? Because you are suited for another better mission and job. Everyone is here because we have our role.
  3. You are not sincere! People take advantage of God's kindness. We tend to pray only when we needed something from. We forgot to say sorry coz we prioritize our earthly desire. How about you? If someone who have sinned to you suddenly appears after a long time to asks some money and clothes without even saying sorry first, will you be pleased? Is your love one cheated and say sorry without "sincerity", will you be happy? Thus, we must not forget to pray at all times.

Here are 4 steps in praying that I've learned and I hope this will help you:

  1. Praise Praise God using all good words you've known since birth.
  2. Give thanks Thank Him for all the blessing that he give you.
  3. Ask for forgiveness A father cannot bear to be anger to his child after saying a sincere sorry. Ask God for forgiveness and admit your mistakes.
  4. Ask for blessing How can he give you what you really want when in the first place is you haven't asked? Continuously ask for what you need with a pure intentions.
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@SLAPINION96 posted 3 years ago
