Has Bitcoin BTC Finally Broke The $13,000.00 Barrier? Is $14,000.00 Next?

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Avatar for Rutkowski
3 years ago

Holding over $13,000.00 since around 8:00 a.m.

This morning. I holding out hope that we may finally be past the $13,000.00 barrier that Bitcoin BTC has been heavily flirting with lately. I am not saying that we are done dipping into $12,000.00 and below.

We still have to the possibility of crashing down to $3,000.00 or $6,000.00. I honestly don't want to see it dip below $9,000.00. I would have to abandon my previous prediction that Bitcoin will see a peak at $32,000.00.

What is driving Bitcoin BTC?

Bitcoin is comparable to the stock market in almost every aspect except it's not a stock. Bitcoin can see a major price drop based upon social sentiment. Right now Social Media is back Bitcoin.

Major companies are coming out in support of Bitcoin. Bitcoin ATM's are start to grow worldwide to over 10,000 Companies world wide are starting to except Bitcoin as a form of payment.

Which the way the market is going right now merchants and store owners as well as corporations would be excuse me for saying, stupid...to not accept crypto. Now in the defense of the companies large and small world wide that haven't adopted it yet. They could potentially lose a large amount if we see a major crash.

However with the current projections of Bitcoin we are not going to see a decline anytime soon despite the beliefs of very few. Bitcoin keeps gaining traction. Bitcoin has gained enough traction to lure major investment firms to put 100's of millions into Bitcoin.

What Could Spiral Bitcoin Prices?

Like I said, Bitcoin has gained a ton of momentum within the last 2 years alone. That momentum alone also gained the attention of legislators. Also the IRS. We all know uncle Sam always wants his portion of anything.

Now depending on the laws regarding Crypto Currencies in the United States it could be harmful towards the prices of Bitcoin for a short period of time. I think we will see a fair approach from Lawmakers.

Ethereum is also a threat to the well being of Bitcoin. However Bitcoin will forever be the safe harbor fund in my humble opinion and will always continue to grow in value.

Will Bitcoin Have Another Fork?

Yes, we will probably not ever come to point in the next 100 years where we won't see forks break away. That is after all how we came out with BCH Bitcoin Cash and other great thriving crypto currencies.

Forks in my opinion are a great thing for crypto currencies. Yearn.Finance reached a peak of $43,863.00 and is right now at $15,000.00 and Bitcoin in 2nd place at $13,130.00

My Final Thoughts!

Bitcoin is still holding just above $13,090.00 right at the time of writing this article. I think everything will keep going in Bitcoins favor. I am positive that we will see the price of Bitcoin drop below $13,000.00 again with a max low of $9,000.00 I don't want to see it drop lower than that.

I know after the drop Bitcoin will easily raise back up towards $13,000.00 after bouncing around like Bitcoin loves to do so much. I am still anticipating a peak to be coming in the near future.

Thanks for reading. Please feel free to comment and tell us how you feel about Bitcoin and Crypto in general and what you think about my predictions?

God Bless and Stay Healthy!

$ 1.01
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Avatar for Rutkowski
3 years ago


I don't it get any more higher. People are selling their funds in case any breakdown will occur.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah, that happens in any market like this. Just like when investors panicked back in march and the stock market crashed.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I am currently making a research about that possibility, if you know Joe007, once a big whale in crypto, you might wanna sell your btc now.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

When the stock market goes down here lately BTC goes up. I think investors are playing/manipulating BTC like they do the stock market 5 days a week..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That what i mean. I am expecting and bearish run in maybe 1 to 3 months. Don't get me wrong, i have my own prediction.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

I know what you mean. I think that is kinda what @Rutkowski was getting at as well, I am excited to see it play out

$ 0.01
3 years ago

I kinda feel sad about my prediction. That's just a possibility not a fact yet.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

It'll all come out in the wash...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Just a question sir, do you hold any BTC as of now?

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

It is most probable this will be going up. People say btc is store of value but I think it may depend on a country, if this is US, or country with a strong currency, or country with high inflation. Btc is linked to USD price . What I miss is any good use case where blockchain can save cost, bring value equivalent to coin price etc. I would hardly name any convincing use case for blockchain, if I need to mention it to someone. Do you have any good example for me?

$ 0.02
3 years ago

The Blockchain has been utilized for a lot of other things then just currency. Like inventory management for large scale companies. Blockchain has been implemented in the health industry for various aspects. I think mainly for medical coding and billing.

Blockchain is used on one of the most popular free games online FortNite in the form of VBucks. PepCoin is utilized by PepsiCo for rewards points.

My favorite way to explain it is in comparison to FIAT

Think about FIAT Currency. Now for example. Bob gets paid $469.34. Bob goes to store #1 and writes a check for $243.59 now on the blockchain Bob would now have $225.75 but Bob isn't on the BlockChain. Bob is using Fiat, so Bob still has $469.34 because his transaction hasn't been posted to the FIAT system which take up to 3 to 4 days.

Now Bob goes out to eat and spends $70.00 treating his friends. He pays with his debit card. Now depending on where you bank at this charge will be automatically removed from your balance or it could take 24 to 48 hours to be removed. (BlockChain it would already be gone).

FIAT opens the door for people to over spend. How many times have you heard of someone or yourself over drafting an account? The famous cases of people who go around writing bad checks knowing the victims (store owners, people) will not be able to cash the bad checks.

The BlockChain makes that impossible to happen. on the BlockChain you will not ever be able to spend more currency then you currently hold in your wallet. You either have enough or you do not have enough. The ledger is not held on one computer/node individually such as the FIAT is.

Thousands of Nodes acting together to confirm or deny transactions based upon the ledger. That is what beats FIAT Currency and that is why Blockchain is replacing FIAT Currency.

$ 0.00
3 years ago
  1. I was looking for something like this: company says that work / process costs 500M without blockchains. Blockchain makes them save 400M and do things much cheaper. Or if something important, work or function was not possible to achieve without blockchain but only with blockchain it is possible. Maybe there are cases, if you know any?
  2. With payments, it looks like this is how it was working before. But now comparison to modern banks and payment systems are needed. Not only google pay or PayPal. Bug banks like Revolut. It is not possible to overspend and transactions are made in seconds in modern banks. Much faster than with blockchain. Not only ether which was horrible but on many blockchain systems it takes 5-10 minutes for transaction to be confirmed. Modern banking transfers or payment systems are transacting in seconds and free. There might be cases where blockchain is good to use, but for regular payments, I doubt it.
$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes it is still possible to over spend. That's why banks still have over draft fees and over draft protection. Not if you use PayPal or a prepaid debit card. However with the adoption of the blockchain it eliminates it all together.

As far as blockchain not being good for instant payments? Check out western union, using xrp blockchain. Saudia Arabia and about 12 other countries using blockchain.

Just because you use blockchain does not mean that you have to charge gas fees.

Other then that all the factors you listed above is why none of our current crypto currencies will become the new standard for the USD.

However it'll be upgraded to blockchain technology.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks, yep, I pay attention to the ripple news but last I heard us that this is yet in test


Do surely interested in outcomes although this seems not impacting XRP price. If blockchain techology is beneficial for money transfer, then this is not necessary impact coin price.

Will be watching news what is next

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I mean, the whitepaper that started it all calls Bitcoin the "Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash", so that's a good mindset to have.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Can you give me a shout out when it's dropping lol Or you think I can exchange my money now and buy again when it's low 😆

$ 0.02
3 years ago

It is fluctuating a lot right at the moment. You can almost at any point in the day sale your btc and then buy back cheaper. I know it to be a risk especially with the way BTC tends to move. I advise live tracking and live trading when it comes to trading like that.

I would be surprised if BTC doesn't dip slightly below 12,990 overnight.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thats huge amount to hold and im sure you wont let it out wothout getting a valuable profit

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I agree.nice information Dear Keep writing

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Unbelievable.. very nice..💗💗💗💗💗

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Great post...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice one

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I highly recommended using Bitcoin for our future! :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Of course i would agree

$ 0.00
3 years ago

While its "teasing" the 13K area for over a day now, expect a dip soon enough. So be ready to sell. Then buy low of course. Not expecting to dive over 3500$ soon but can happen.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I'm watching it closely

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I personally think if it breaks $14k, it will break ATH but let's see. One step at a time :)

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Love this great clear and mesmerizing aticle about BTC . Good job on the writing and keep up the good work. A round of applause to the author everyone. Yes you are right about the ups and downs of of bitcoins but or next break is 14 000 and I don't expect BTC to fall below 12000 again

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Love this great clear and mesmerizing aticle about BTC . Good job on the writing and keep up the good work. A round of applause to the author everyone

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Bitcoin is becoming the future!

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Crypto is becoming the future. I like at Bitcoin as the future 401k in the big picture of things. Thanks for reading and commenting.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Bitcoin rushes everything with it's power... I think it need to have big value, but not to increase to the moon and back.. Thank you!

$ 0.02
3 years ago

I would like to see the value increase at a steady rate but I think the past will repeat itself as it always does. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

$ 0.00
3 years ago