A Rare Day Like This

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2 years ago
Topics: Today's article

It's a "good evening" over here and it's almost time to go to bed (not me though) How has been our day so far. Since this month began I noticed it's has been kind of slower than expected to me. I don't really know if it's only from my side. By now I think we should have reached half of the month, or maybe it's because I have been staying at home for the past five months doing nothing than blogging. Today has been a little bit hectic for me, unlike last week that I had nothing to do than to watch different series (Japanese, American, Korean) I watched everything.

Normally I woke up around 10 to 11am every day except Sundays. But this morning I woke up earlier this morning to cooking, something I hardly do early in the morning. Mum noticed that "sleep will spoil this child for me" 😂 😂 so she took action this morning and stormed into my room, I remained on bed sluggishly answering her with "hmm" but when I heard my dad's voice, omo😂 i quickly carry my lazy bones and made haste out of my room.

Everything was resolved and I finally had time for my phone. I checked my WhatsApp for new messages but the network was not really encouraging so I stopped and continued the house chores. And then I discovered I had three clothes to deliver this week but I decided to postpone it till evening hoping there will light but no 😢 they sure know how to betray when you keep hoping they will restore the light. Here I am waiting for light to be restored so I can start sewing the clothes.

Things are really happening.

While I was having an afternoon nap, mum and my bro came back from work and I heard some little conversations from my sleep. I quickly stood up to listen to the latest gist in town but it was so heart breaking. I shared a story of how a burglar was caught and stripped naked in my community some weeks ago. Despite that, we keep hearing robbery cases here and there. This afternoon some men raded a house, they knew our area was always quiet in the morning when everyone would have gone for work, unknown to those burglars a young lady was left alone in the house. Unfortunately she had no one to help her when they break into the house, she was beaten blue black and then passed out. She was rushed to the hospital afterwards and finally regained consciousness this evening. I felt bad for her she was beaten in her own house and wouldn't even think of such thing to happen to her. People started blaming her mother for leaving her alone at home. I started thinking of myself, I am always left alone at home if every one had somewhere to go, I had nowhere to go. But I know God watches over his people. I really hope these perpetrators are caught soon and brought to justice.

That's the little I am able to say about my day today. I am still waiting for the light to be restored, I still some things to do tonight.

I have been trying to post this very article for almost two hours now but the network is really bad today.

Lead Image Source: Unsplash

Thank you for reading ♥️♥️♥️

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2 years ago
Topics: Today's article


Did is read it well? Robbery in day time, those people are brave. I feel sorry for the lady that was beaten.

For the Nepa, thou shall not put your confidence in them 🤗

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah.....it was in a broad day light. I have lost confidence in Nepa

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The Lord who watches over Israel neither sleep nor slumber. He will keep us.
The light has been restored since around 9pm.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Amen. Thank you That means it's faulty from our side then.

$ 0.00
2 years ago