The Fragile Thread- Part Two

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2 years ago

Out of the many people whom I knew was claimed by death, I have only shed tears for two. Let me share my story once more.

The day I received the news of the death of Stan Lee, was the first day I cried. It is quite funny that I'm crying for a stranger but I am a marvel fan and a lover of Spiderman. That was his greatest creation according to him. I adored the hero, and I admired who brought it to life. Got over the shock the next day, was to write an exam. Lol. Besides, he died at a fulfilled age of 95.

The second time involved my primary school mate, Ephraim. Funny story, we weren't friends till we got in a fight. I had enough of his teases of me being fat. We bonded afterwards and became friends. We met from time to time and he always gave me his blessing, told me how happy he was that his friend is going to be a doctor. Our last meeting was in a wedding, made jokes as usual but in his own funny way charged me to take my dream seriously. How I was to know that would be the last time I'd ever see him. Took me over a week to get over the loss, talkless of crying. Till this day I still feel his absence.

As I said in my earlier write-up, nothing is as fragile as life. With life, nothing is fixed, it's damn susceptible to change, especially with the people that become part of your circle in different parts of your life.

They may not necessarily be your friends, but they're your associates and colleagues. And man being a social being, we end up forming connections with these people, mostly good.

Sometimes we do take these associations for granted, we don't see their value until we lose them. Form the habit of checking on some of these folks once in awhile, do avoid holding grudges, forgiveness is better. Most importantly, remember the golden rule, do unto others what you would like to be done to you, bruv.

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