The three mission of Life

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Avatar for Rioelder
4 years ago

You have three missions in this life. One is to enjoy life, the second one to contribute (create value) and the third to personally grow, to become the best possible version of yourself. Person growth is nothing but diminishing the gap between your starting point and who you want to become (your ideal self). Obviously the worse your starting point and the bigger your ambitions, the bigger the gap. But that’s the job you have to do, that’s your mission.

The bigger the gap, the bigger the opportunity for you to grow. The bigger the gap, the more demanding the level you’re playing the game of life in. Consequently, you can become much more skillful and resourceful.

At one point, you realize that you only have two choices in life – the blue or the red pill. You can either feel sorry for yourself for the rest of your life or you take full responsibility for your life and how things are. If you have emotional issues, you talk to a therapist, if you want to progress intellectually, you read, do math or whatever, if you have bad relationship patterns, you read everything about relationships and commit to becoming an authority on how to excel in relationships, if all of your ancestors were fat and you inherited genes that make you gain weight faster, interrupt the unhealthy pattern and become obsessed with being totally fit and living a healthy lifestyle. Whatever it is, you have to take responsibility and deal with it at some point. As I’ve already mentioned, that’s one of your missions in this life, something that life expects from you.

You also have to know that accepting your past is not a one-time event, it’s a process. It’s a process of ups and downs; the harder the past, the longer the process with all its highs and lows. But it can be done. If we look at the bottom line, your past may shape your present, but it can’t control it.

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Avatar for Rioelder
4 years ago


Lovely article yung dude

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4 years ago

I Don't wanna feel sorry for myself.. So i will never choose the blue pill.. Rather i want be more and more happy.. I wanna be the reason of other happiness.. Keep me in your prayer.

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4 years ago

Yes is true we are 3 missions in this life but I pray God Almighty should do good for all of us insha allah

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4 years ago

Bravo, @Rioelder. It is important for people to realise that life is not something just happening to them, it is something they create. They have full responsibility for it and for what they make of it. It's impossible to control ALL factors of one's live, but it is possible to choose one's goal and go for it, no matter external circumstances. They might affect HOW you do something, but don't allow them to affect what you aim for. Thumbs up for you!

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4 years ago

Thanks men

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4 years ago

I have also some mission in my life. At first i want to be happy in my life. I want to travel beautiful country. I want to do something which help people. I want to do hard work in my life. And my last mission is Very much funny i think. I want to live a long long life. Best wishes to YOU.

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4 years ago

Wow! Great ambitions their

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4 years ago

[Removed comment]

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4 years ago