Face it

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Running away from ones problem isn't the solution to that problem. Rather face it and tackle it with whatever means you see fit.

There are many way in tackling problems one of which is prayer. Prayer is the master key as some will while some will say Prayer is the sword in defeating any problem.

Problems are like stagnant water wish can only be dawatise by dry season. Move closer to God beg Him ask for His forgiveness, He will surely forgive you.

Remember you're created by Him and without Him you're nothing.

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If the person having problem runs away from it, the problem lingers and no solution comes up.

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4 years ago

Good article.problems must be solved rather than running from it

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4 years ago

We should not avoid problem rather face it. And prayer brings mental peace and helps us to find a way of dealing with problem.

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4 years ago

Good article we should be able to face any challenges or any problem we see ourselves than to quit that life

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4 years ago

Yes oooo. Facing one challenges is the solution to the problem. Whether one likes it or not, your battle can only be fight by you alone with the support of God, not by anybody. We are all created by God.

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4 years ago

Thank you very much for your kind information about face. Facing is very necessary for our life. Keeping your writing.

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4 years ago