Real Love Won't Teach You to Sin

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Written by
3 years ago

Of course we all sin. In relationship, we all sin. However, we will talk about a constant sin without any character development for the both of you and the one that pulls you down.

Real love doesn't have to accept all the bad sides

It's not like that. Loving you as a whole doesn't mean with your bad sides. She/he can be patient and forgiving but she/he doesn't have to love that side of you that hurts her/him. Let's put it in a scenario. You are smoking and always drinking, you can't say to your partner that she/he needs to accept that because that's who you are. Be deserving and don't be mad if your partner will point out those habits of yours that are bad for you and for the relationship. This is a part of valuing each other. You pull each other up to bring out the best of you. It's not hard to be better in time if you really love that person. If you find it hard then you don't love that person, she's/he's just too good for your ego that even your own self knew that letting go of that person is such a waste.

Real love won't make you lie

It won't tolerate you lying to her/him, to yourself, friends, or family. White lies should be discussed in another topic as it's sensitive and situational.

Real love isn't the first sparks and excitement where you get all the butterflies

It's the one that stays. The one that will make you look at him/her with the same longing and excitement like from the very first time you realized you love that person.

Love shouldn't take you for granted and isn't abusive. Stop looking at red flags romantically. Over jealousy is a red flag, it's not just he'/she's securing you or claiming you...if it's beyond the line, it's bad and that's it. Asking for your nudes doesn't mean he/she founds you sexy and charming, that's a disrespect. Some of you all may be naive for these things for your first time in relationships. I suggest you all take note of these kind of things so you'll not be too careless to yourself.

Real love matters more than the benefit

The person who really loves you won't support you to do bad things just because she/he or both of you have benefits for it.

Fake love exist and it's clear to see, however we become blind by the first trials and hope for the better change. Pull yourself away from insincere person without any good intention to you.

Trust me. Care for yourself so you won't regret.

Some of the people may already made the mistake but it's still possible to be a better version of yourself.

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Written by
3 years ago


primero hay que quererse uno mismo como se es con virtudes y defectos , tienes mucha razón con el ejemplo de beber y fumar no es virtud ni defecto si no un vicio que puede dañar cualquier relación sana , acabo de escribir mi primer articulo si te gustaria darle un vistazo seria un honor para mi

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Real love compromises and keeps its word :)

$ 0.05
3 years ago

Let me ask this question. If you feel like someone loves you and later you tend to realize that the love is fake how do you leave the relationship? I’m talking about the aspect in which you’ve loved the person very much

$ 0.05
3 years ago

It's on you how you will leave. It's actually hard. I held in that love for so long hoping that he'll change for the better or at least be who he is like how he treated me at first. Regarding on how, I'm too hard headed and was careless to myself that I waited to completely drain myself until I finally left the relationship. You just know it then you'll try to still fight but at the end you'll realize...if she/he really genuinely love you, you wouldn't be in that situation and you'll never be if it's genuine from the very start. You wont be in a position where you have to beg for the bare minimum.

No matter how much we love someone, sometimes we're better without them.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is so true. I’ll work towards this

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hoping for a happier version of you 🥰💚

$ 0.00
3 years ago