Do we really love crypto?

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3 years ago

Though we are crypto users and use it in our daily life, do we love it? Often I heard, users talking with each other about this coin is better than that coin. But why do they do so? I think the main reason is opportunity. I want to talk equally. Though we are now overconfident with crypto and about its existence, how long can this confidence last if you get no opportunity of earning crypto? If I talk about myself then I can say first I have loved BITCOIN then litecoin and now BCH. But why does this change often come? Well, this is because of the opportunity I got at different times from different sites. First I have worked on a BITCOIN payment-based platform so my full support goes there. Later I started to do transactions via Litecoin and this made me love Litecoin and now BCH. If you asked me now, do I love BCH? I will say, no. Because we love the thing which gives us a profit and opportunity to earn money.

Some users say that Bitcoin cash is the future of crypto. Well, I agree that this can happen as we know but what is the benefit for us from it? Nothing if not you own much BCH. Leave it! What I wanted to mean is about leaving the debate between each coin lover. Because if your country's government adopts today's XRP payment from all sectors, then you have nothing to do except using XRP there. Though you are a coin lover of BCH or BTC, you need to use XRP now. Anyway, crypto's main target is financial freedom and we must think about this only. What did we do in the past? We bring cash from one place to another place. Then the banking system came and after that, the mobile banking system came out for us. And now it is crypto! And crypto is best from all of this money transfer system but how? Well, crypto saves your time, extra money and gives you security. What time? There are a lot of coins that ensure the transaction of your money within a few seconds. Save your money with a small transaction fee but if you did the transaction via Bank then the fee would be much higher than a crypto transaction. At last, crypto gives you security. If you look to the bank, then the govt can lock your funds available there due to any rule break. But if you talk about crypto then there is no problem with security as the transaction is done with an address and no one can track its location.

If crypto gives us all this opportunity in our life then why should we go for one coin only? Some users often say I am a Bitcoin lover but do I? Not at all but I go for that coin that gives us an opportunity. If my country adopts BCH payment today then surely I will use it but this does not mean that I need to use BCH or BTC or eth only. But I will go for the opportunity. Such as in trading, if there is a chance to get profit from BCH or ETH then surely I will go for them. Why would I just waste my opportunity by holding BTC in my wallet? But what will I need to do at the end? I will need to have BCH in my wallet as my country will accept BCH Only. Same as for EL Salvadar people. They got the tender of BTC payment but this does not mean they need to love BTC only. They can trade or hold any coin for better profit.

Anyway, this is just a normal conversation between me and myself. Because whenever people say they love this coin or that coin then some question comes into my mind. If you got any opportunity then go for it. Because if you once missed it then you will blame yourself for your whole life. This is just an example but if you look at our real-life activity then you can see many people from our country going abroad for jobs or study because there are better opportunities for them. When they have a life-changing opportunity then why should they just stay in their own country? Though this looks like a negative thought, this is reality.

There should be no comparison between currency because we want financial freedom via adoption of crypto  world wide. And any currency can be under this adoption but we will just take advantage of it.


$ 0.30
$ 0.10 from @Crackers
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Written by
3 years ago


Good writing here, there is much more crypto can give us in the financial world of its properly adopted and used the way it ought to...and it's much more convenient to use.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

much easier to use as well much more profitable for us. This is just because we will not need to worry about our wealth

$ 0.00
3 years ago

There are also risk in adopting crypto. However, it is obvious that only crypto can give us financial and economic freedom.. Only if, it will be used wisely

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This will be hard too if there the number of money laundering rate increase on..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I just love how informative your writeups always is.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Not at all mate..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Though I may not want crypto to be the official world currency due to frequent price fluctuations and all, but I still love them altogether. Due to faster transactions and basically safer systems with your details being kept a secret, you can transact anywhere and anytime to any part of the world. It's

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You should worry about it.. Because when crypto will be adopted then there will be fix satoshi price maybe or something else.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

True.. we should not compare different cryptocurrencies... Because everyone has its own advantages... As BCH is good store of value and Sol or FTT is best get instant profit.. similarly different crypto have different benefits.

$ 0.03
3 years ago

Exactly . We will just seek for profit which will be helpful for us. Crypto is open for all of us then why should we just stay on one coin?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Loving and hodling. Waiting for the ATH.

$ 0.03
3 years ago

and still the main point is profit mate!

$ 0.00
3 years ago