A Gift

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3 years ago

There were a lot of gifts we receive everyday, we called it blessings. Day by day we always receive our gift from God. He gives us everything what we need. He abides us also for our daily lives. He protected us from danger, especially from those deadly virus scattered nowadays.

He gave us life to see this beautiful world. He blesses us good friends, family and brother and sisters that may help us to stand up again if we're down. They help us to solve problems in life and comforted us if we are in distress and in sadness.

God give us also wisdom. For we use it in our daily lives. We have different aspects of knowledge that God gave us. But it depend on us on how we use and manage it. We have different ability and responsibilities too. And also we have different standing in life, there were rich and poor in this world. Good and bad people live here also.

We encountered different problems and God also give us solution from it. But we need to figure it out in our own on how to solve it. Just like to a student, given math solving problem by their teacher. Their teacher wants to make them brilliant using their analytic knowledge. He ponder their ability and testing them so that students grow and gain more knowledge by solving it. Students may recognize some techniques or ways on how to solve it properly during that time. And if some can't get it, their teacher is always there to ask for guidance and help them to understand the process. So, we are also the same. When we are in hardships situition, we need to ask guidance from God. We ask also to lead us to the right formula to solve everything in which we could not understand.

We are grateful for everything we had. We need to ask his guidance all the time. For better and worst we don't forget to give thanks to our Almighty God. Cause he is the provider of everything we had, by working hard also, we got it, our dream , goal in life.By doing it so, pursuing our dream, all our labors we do , then he rewarded us of what we aspire for.

So the gift we received is you can't count it all. So if you fall into various trial, count first your joy in this world . How lucky you are that God blesses you, most especially of what you have now. Compare yourself to those person who are less compasionate, before you complain of your status or standing in life.

God give us everything we need, we give thanks to him every now and then. And we need to use our gift wisely and in good way too. For we only have one life exist and we only die once.

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Written by
3 years ago


God never fails in providing us with so many blessings each day, that often times we come short in giving thanks. Thanks for this reminder.

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3 years ago