Unsafe Acts At Home

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Avatar for Raosubterraneo
3 years ago

Kind regards to the entire community, today I bring you some information about unsafe acts at home, how you can identify, correct and avoid them. apply prevention at home with your family or at work with your colleagues, to maintain the health and integrity of you and yours, which is the most important thing, safety comes first. I hope this information is helpful to you, Thank you for your attention.

Accidents in the home happen very frequently because parents do not know some of the risks or do not anticipate that something wrong may happen when using everyday tools that appear to be safe because they have been used in the same way by many years, but the truth is that a few seconds in which the presence of an unsafe condition and an unsafe act coincide to cause a serious accident that you can regret all your life. Accidents can be prevented by knowing the risks to which we are exposed.

Insecure Act.

Unsafe act or unsafe practice is the action or omission of the worker that creates a risk against his safety and / or that of his colleagues. Unsafe acts are the human factor in accident causes. A significant number of studies consider that between 80 and 90 percent of accidents have their origin in unsafe acts.

Although the causes of this type of act are very varied, it is worth noting the inadequate or insufficient training, bad habits, overconfidence and haste. The lack of physical conditions for work, job dissatisfaction, inadequate workload (both due to excess and deficiency) or the influence of medications, alcohol or drugs can also be highlighted.

Home security well deserves a detailed concern of the dangerous aspects that can occur in each of the different areas of the house, (kitchen, bathroom, dining room WATER, GAS AND ELECTRICITY INSTALLATIONS).

Accidents at home: poisonings, burns, sprains, etc.

The main risks for intoxication, allergies and irritations in the home derive from the use of the following products:

• Medicines

• Cleaning products

• Insecticides and garden products

• Paints, solvents and adhesives

• Fuels

• Perfumery products

• Alcoholic drinks

Poisoning, allergies and irritations from these products are generally a consequence of their ingestion and more rarely, of their inhalation, in contact with the skin. As general rules of prevention we can cite the following:

• Do not leave the products within the reach of children and store them in a safe place.

• Label the containers properly and if possible keep the products in their original containers.

• Follow the manufacturer's instructions for use.

• Do not store different types of products together.

In addition to these general rules, some particular rules should be considered depending on each product:

• Medications: Do not store them on the bedside tables.

• Cleaning products: Do not mix them indiscriminately.

• Insecticides and garden products: Do not spray or apply them on food, people or pets.


  • Carry out work for which you are not duly authorized.

  • Working in unsafe conditions at excessive speeds.

  • Do not give notice of the dangerous conditions that are observed, or not marked.

  • Do not use, or cancel, the safety devices with which the machines or installations are equipped.

  • Using faulty or damaged tools or equipment.

  • Do not use established personal protective clothing or use inappropriate clothing.

  • Playing pranks at work.

  • Repairs machines or installations temporarily.

  • Carry out repairs for which you are not authorized.

  • Adopting incorrect postures during work, especially when handling arm loads.

  • Wear inappropriate work clothes (with belts or hanging or torn parts, too loose, with grease stains, etc.)

  • Wear rings, bracelets, necklaces, medals, etc., when working with machines with moving parts (risk of entrapment)

  • Use cables, chains, ropes, slings and lifting gear, in poor condition.

  • Exceeding the load capacity of lifting devices or industrial vehicles.

  • Stand under suspended loads.

  • Transportar personas en los carros o carretillas industriales.


  • Lack of protections and safeguards in machines and facilities.

  • Inadequate protections and safeguards.

  • Lack of warning system, alarm, or call for attention.

  • Lack of order and cleanliness in workplaces * Lack of space to work and store materials.

  • Improper storage of materials, disorderly stacking, packages deposited in aisles, piles that obstruct emergency exits


Eliminate all unsafe conditions in the house. Unsafe conditions are situations that favor the occurrence of accidents, such as leaving a ladder in the path of people, electrical outlets with an excess of connected devices that can cause a fire due to overheating of the cables, leaving cables or other objects crossed in the passage of people, make direct connections to electrical power cables, as well as many others.

Some of these are allowing children to use sharp kitchen knives, letting them be in the kitchen when you are busy preparing hot food, letting them climb onto chairs to use as ladders to reach some objects, climbing onto the roof of the kitchen. house, climbing the walls of the house, using the microwave oven without prior training, using inappropriate tools such as knives instead of can openers or spoons instead of bottle openers, leaving children alone unattended in the pool or tub area bathroom, as well as a great deal more.

Educate children in all matters relating to home safety so that they are always aware of unsafe acts and conditions and can effectively prevent accidents. Take every opportunity to teach them why they should not do something and the consequences, when the risks are known and the concept is understood, they will usually think better of things before making a mistake that could cost very expensive for their health or home, including running in the toilets or entering barefoot, as this could cause them to slip and a serious accident.

Risk Prevention: Is Your Home Safe?

Is your home safe? To answer this question we must focus on the basic activities and conditions of our home. Every year and in many homes, they are affected by disastrous events, the product of unsafe actions and conditions.

Let's analyze a dependency, the kitchen:

Electrical conditions:

They must be in accordance with the rules of the same. Do not recharge the plugs using "triples" or extension cords. Repair damaged cables, do not repair them with “electrical” tape. This detaches over time, with serious danger of someone being electrocuted or a short circuit that will generate fire. Does the "automatic" act frequently? That means there is more electricity consumption in your home than supported by the available circuits. Request a review by authorized qualified personnel.

Combustible material and heat:

Oil and fat can easily be ignited by a heat source. Keep any spills and residual items clean. The frying pan, the oven, the microwave, have the same behavior. In the kitchen, there are elements that can be turned on such as curtains, kitchen towels, gloves, containers, oil bottles, plastic utensils, etc. It is clear that these elements are part of them, but from the "fire-fighting" point of view this corresponds to a fire load that must be under control, as well as at a safe distance from heat sources.

Fire and children:

Many children are struck by fire, they handle matches, lighters. These should be away from minors. Infants should not be left alone while there are appliances or items operating such as stoves, candles, etc. The handles of the cookware with an open flame should not be exposed to contact when passing by. They can be touched by children, including the elderly, causing accidents (burns, fires).

Kitchen floor:

The floor must be dry, clean and tidy to avoid falls of the people who use it.

Chemical materials or elements:

There are many chemical elements of daily use, used in cleaning or washing; some flammable. Others should be taken care of from the point of view of pollution control


We have only analyzed one dependency of our home, and in part. This same analysis should be done with the other rooms of our house. If we are thorough in the analysis, we will see that many unsafe conditions live with us. What's more, we commit unsafe acts, without thinking about the consequences. Hence the importance of a Safe Home. Our home should be a safe and welcoming space.

These are works and research that I did at the univ. On the web you can find a lot of information on this and other topics on occupational health and safety that in this case also applies at home.


Actos Inseguros
Condicones, actos inseguros


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Avatar for Raosubterraneo
3 years ago


Unsafe acts at home pose significant risks to individuals' safety and well-being. These may include neglecting proper electrical wiring, mishandling sharp objects, not securing heavy furniture, and disregarding fire safety measures. Addressing and rectifying these unsafe behaviors are crucial to preventing accidents and creating a secure living environment for all household members. https://www.tadalive.com/blog/181978/how-does-person-centered-therapy-facilitate-client-growth/

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$ 0.00
11 months ago

The parents have to be careful where their children are And what are they playing with

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Prevent, reduce risks, create safe conditions where possible, thank you

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Things aren't really right, you have to be aware of this.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hello! It is necessary to try as much as possible to have good conditions for your development in your work at home or at work, reduce risks, prevention, so we avoid incidents and accidents. thanks

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Even in the home safety measures should be taken into consideration.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Exactly how it should be, so we avoid unnecessary accidents

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Parents and guidian need to be very careful of the children or wards

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Clear! people should have their safety and prevention measures at home for everyone, thank you

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is a very wonderful article. This accidents occur as a result of careless and busy parents. For the busy parents they live their houses unkept and children together with nannies that are not qualified to be all in the name of looking for money.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The article is dedicated to raising awareness for everyone in the home, that by doing the work safer, reducing the risks for everyone, especially for children, prevention is the key. thanks for reading me

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wonderful articles being safe in home it's one of the things we have to check because many domestic works we do at home make us to get into Anna risk activities appreciating your article keep it up

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hello! It's good that you liked my article, prevention and reducing risks in housework will always be important for our health, and that of our own. thanks for reading me

$ 0.00
3 years ago

As the saying goes "prevention is always better than cure"

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Likewise, reducing risks and preventing, is the key to health at home. thanks

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah you are right . But Accidents in the home very common thing nowadays

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Accidents can be prevented by reducing risks in the home. thanks

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Accidents can be avoided in the home if parents pay proper care and undivided attention to the kids.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

exactly! Accidents in the home can be avoided with due care and prevention. thanks for reading me

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Home must be kept safe for children to prevent any harm

$ 0.00
3 years ago

So it should be, prevention is the key to reducing accidents, thanks for reading

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Talking about this issue can be a problem in the future if you continue to do so.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Cheers! I do not understand why it would be a problem, I am talking about preventing and reducing risks at home at work. thanks for reading me

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Actually you are right.Accidents in the home very common thing nowadays.we have to careful. thanks for wonderful article.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hello I am glad that you liked my article, the key is always to reduce risks, prevention. thanks for reading me

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Your article is very interesting, I consider that another risk factor, which causes accidents is the stairs, you have to put anti-slip on them, I think that you have to educate all members of the household not to be injured or in the but of cases die, prevention saves us bad times...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

how are you! If the key is to reduce risks, thanks for reading

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very interesting article, it will help a lot, keep it up. Thank you

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hello! Thank you for reading

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Summit racing leaving child alone at home is not safe and also keeping on hard objects or sharp objects many dangerous effect thanks keep it up keep it up

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for reading me, preventing and reducing risks will always come first

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice article yes accident always happen in our houses office environments

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Good that you liked it, thanks for reading me

$ 0.00
3 years ago