You Are Beautiful:

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We see people around us telling us what to do and judge us in different ways . In early stages I also took my life the way people were telling me to do so. But one day ! I realized , where am I ?

My personal experience :

When I entered my practical life I faced alot of hurdles. Beside this that I was a topper at my pre school, school, college. Still I was not able to do whatever I wanted to be. People used to give me suggestions to do this and that and I heard them because at that time I was not Me at all. I used to live my life the way people around me were telling me. Whenever in a family gathering I had said something , they used to tell me No! You cannot do this. You are a girl. Girls are not allowed to do this and I became silent. I was not able to listen to my heart and recognize my hidden talents.

I used to look from the eyes of people around me or I can say I was blind. I was a free soul but in a cage. I tried everything what people around me wanted me to do but all in vain.......

You are free soul:

One day after I was fad up I sat on my couch and thought Where am I ? And Asked myself Where are you ?

Suddenly, I got up and rushed towards the mirror and looked into my eyes. I saw two things : one was my image and other were tears......

That was the time I was able to see me for the very first time. I remembered the time people called me...Oh no ! She cannot do this . This time I found myself a hero of mine and not a failure. I said to myself Will you be my hero ???

And my eyes said " why not sweetheart " just be with me and be strong. My eyes told me you don't need anyone. You can do whatever you want to do just leave your fears.

That was the time I met myself. I believed myself. I looked for my strength and accepted my weak points. I thought I can do everything and finally I was a free soul.

From that time I saw my hidden talents. I saw my strength. I saw my grip on how to solve different matters. I finded out solution for every problem. I looked for my weak points and my weaknesses as well and started working on it. I started a mission to groom myself. I just accepted my flaws. Because accepting your soul means to accept all goods and bads version of yours. I found myself very confident and brave.


Once you accept yourself. Your all versions i.e happy, sad, anger, weaker, stronger. You start to fight your battle by yourself. Your thoughts and your acts become your weapon. You make yourself responsible for every up and downside of your life, you start believing in yourself. It makes you more stronger. You have no fear then.

Just accept your soul. Accept that only you can change your life. Take descions of your own . Ask people for suggestions but do what your heart says. Don't follow any one. Make your own world and grab your dreams. Accept your weakness your strength and your flaws. Don't try to be perfect one. Its okay to be normal. Don't proof yourself infront of others. Just be the master of your own destiny.

Love yourself.

Love yourself.

Love yourself.

Every soul is beautiful. Just look into the mirror and you will find one.

Be yourself and win this world.

You are your own Hero!

$ 3.73
$ 3.60 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @Arte-macarre
$ 0.02 from @Freedom007
+ 1


It was very best👍U are right because no one in this world will think really about u and will love u....Just love yurself then your life will be good.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ganito din ako dati,I had no freedom to choose what I want, even the colors of my shirts are not my favorite, the color of my nails because they just dictate what should and not should.. So I am happy npw because I can do whatever I want, I can choose colors that I want too.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We are beautiful the way we are and we shouldn't try to be what others emphasize on how you should be inorder to be beautiful, no one is like us and that makes us unique and beautiful

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes my dear you can do it. We should consult more people for suggestion but we should do what is best for us. Standing in front of mirror and said yes you can do it is the best therapy ever.

$ 0.00
2 years ago