Get clear skin by doing this.....

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My today's article is for ladies especially girls.....

If you want to get smooth and clear skin 
Follow these remedies....

As physical and mental health is necessary for good living, similarly clear and smooth skin give you a beautiful look and inturn a beautiful lifestyle. This is most importantly for ladies that if they take care of themselves then they will be able to take care of things around them. In my opinion good skin not only make you beautiful and present your good image in the society but also give your confidence. You look more confident, when you look beautiful. So every woman should look after herself to look more confident.

Here are some home remedies that every woman either they are professional or house wife; should do to get perfect,clear and smooth skin. These are very simple. No need to do it everyday just repeat it once a week.

There are three steps

  • Exfoliation

  • Cleansing

  • Moisturizing

Step 1:

For step one you need

  • 1 small cup rice ( lightly crushed )

  • 2 table spoon aloegel

  • 1 table spoon rose water

  • 1 table spoon honey

    First of all take a little quantity of crushed rice ( in minor powdered form) according to the surface area of your arms and hands. Add aloegel, rose water, honey and mix well. Massage this all on your hands and arms and face too especially dark areas for about 10 minutes. This will completely remove your dead skin cells as this is exfoliation. You will feel your skin like baby skin , very smooth one.

Step 2:

For this step you need

  • Gram flour

  • Tumeric ( half table spoon )

  • Honey ( 2 table spoon)

  • Fresh milk cream ( 2 table spoon)

If you have dry skin this remedy will help you alot. After exfoliation your skin pores are opened and thus when you start cleansing you get smooth skin. What you have to do is take gram flour 4 table spoon and add honey, tumeric, cream and mix well. Apply this on your hands and arms or face and feet even. Leave for 10 minutes and then wash well. You will get fresh skin. This is kinda scrubing.

Step 3:

For this step you need

  • Any moisturizer

  • Rose water

  • Glycerin

    Take any moisturizer and add 1 table spoon of rose water and glycerin and apply on hands and feet.

By doing these remedies, you will get baby skin with smooth and fresh touch. These steps are very simple. Just do them once in a week. You will definitely get perfect results.

Try it and give me feedback.

$ 0.00


Thanks. This article really help alote.. 🤗🤗🤗

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Welcome dear

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thank you so much, I might apply that one in myself probably cause as a lady it's our dream to have a baby skin.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yess sureee.... you are always welcome

$ 0.00
1 year ago