To be a good writer, you must be a good liar!

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2 years ago

You may be so confused with this topic I am about to share with you in this article, and be wondering what I meant by that. Anyways, before I continue with my article, I want to appreciate everyone of us for the effort so far in contributing one way or the other to educate and enlighten us in various aspect of life with our different articles. Let's continue to add more effort and our best in making sure we keep educating the world through this awesome platform.

Back to the main topic of the day, well as we all know that writing is the activity or occupation of composing text for publication. And this text can be in riddles, poems, stories, letters writing, composition, etc which are written down for one to read and make use of. Most of the stories we read from books, movies and documentaries we watch on the television are all writing down before been broadcast or printed in book forms and other formats.

If you watch closely you will understand that most stories that are been written down comes in different forms which can be known as  fiction and non-fiction stories.

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According to Oxford dictionary, it defines fiction as literature in the form of prose, especially novels, that describes imaginary events and people. In other words, they are stories that never existed but are told for teachings and for educational purposes. For instance, stories like Alice in Wonderland, Lord of the Rings, The lion king, etc. These are stories that were acted but never happened in real life. The writer of these stories which were acted by different actors and actresses in fiction formats to bring out the stories in a movie form can be said to be good writer, because they wrote stories that never happened nor existed yet people that watched it fell in love with the movies and it was said to be one of the best of stories ever written and acted as movie on cinema.


According to Wikipedia, the non fiction story is any document or media content that intends, in good faith, to present only truth and accuracy regarding information, events, or people. Non-fictional content may be presented either objectively or subjectively. Examples of these type of stories includes true life stories, biography of a person, animal documentaries, etc.

Of all these two types of writings we have, the most popular and trending writing is the fiction type of stories. People tend to love and appreciate stories that are in fiction format because, these type of stories comes with suspense, thrill, and mind blowing actions that will put you on the edge to always want to continuously reading the story books and watching the story in movie format till the end.

Most bestseller books and movies stories are fiction based books and movies. According to study, it was revealed that kids from the age of 2 love to watch movies and read story books that are fiction based, they may not likely put interest to watch movies and read story books that comes in non-fiction formats.

When you dig deep and take a study to actually know why they love these types of fiction stories more than the non-fiction stories, you will be shocked to understand that their reason is nothing but the way the story line is been written down and when they read it, it catches their minds and put them in a dream world where their imaginations and feelings are expanded.

In conclusion, for you to be a good writer, it's very important that you know how to create imaginary stories that will captivate your readers and also educate them in a positive way. Do not feel or have this mindset of seeing a writer who choses to create his or her stories based on fiction as someone who does not understand the true meaning of writing. When you think outside your box, you will have every reason to create, develop and write down any thing that comes your way as a story.

Indeed, to be a good writer, you must be a good liar!

Thank you for reading my article.🙏Rafd9828

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2 years ago


The topic of this article motivated and triggered me to open it, indeed this is well articulated article. I wanted to know how a writer could be a liar but ended up getting the message right. You gat know how to create good imaginary stories.

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2 years ago