Our choices make us. Choose Right!

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2 years ago

I would want to start this way to share with you what we all need to know about life and the choices we make in it. Because of my love for nature and what God gave to mankind, I have taken time to look at one of the special gifts God gave to man which we know as "river".

Rivers are shallow,
Some are deep,
Sometimes it roars,
Sometimes it's calm,
Sometimes it flows down to smaller entities, Sometimes it flows into bigger entities, It brings forth good resources, Sometimes it's content kills.

It can be a sight seeing for tourist,
To some tourists it could be a place of deep thought.

Ideas are created to some at viewing it.
Frustrations are poured into this watercourse by some persons.
Some leave this watercourse better,
While some are so attached to it.
Then some become worst after the encounter  the flow and nature of Rivers....

This is LIFE. It has both certainty and uncertainty but all depends on the individual 's way of seeing it and taking it in.

To some life is deep and to others, their thoughts about life is so shallow . In all,  let's choose what gives us, peace, happiness and meaningful purpose/ course.

I have this feeling that most people in this life have chosen to pay key attention at the negative effect of what life brings to their table each passing day as the true meaning of life and best way of living. However, what they have failed to understand is life is more and far beyond that negative outcome. This life can never be straight forward or else it will loose it's essence yet it can be easy depending your approach, believe and decision.

Interestingly, some have decided to throw away true essence of their existence because of betrayal from most trusted people around them. Have you become a monster because of a business partner? Have your innocent soul be hurt that you decide to give up on decency in character? were you abondoned by your parents or loved ones that you decide not to trust again? What is making you make those decisions that are against nature and your true self? Why are you still dwelling in your pains when there is more to life?

To some, they tend to follow that path that does not make good meaning at the end of the road, just because they were hurt, they close their eyes to goodness and every other way that leads to life filled with rivers of Joy and happiness. Is that how you find solace?

Now listen! Letting yourself follow that path that keeps you away from your true essence of existence, goodness, peace and happiness will surely ruin you at the end of it all. Take it or leave it, not trying to see that little light from the darkest of your moment can actually make you miss your way to finding that true purpose your heart and souls desire. Give life a second chance, third chance, fourth until you get that true essence of living. Never give up on beautiful things life offers.

Today is another day that you have to tell yourself the truth and follow it to the latter. Choosing peace of mind and happiness is the only remedy to every pain, hurt, disappointments and frustrations. No matter what you have been passing through in your life as a person, always try to see your challenges, disappointments as a step forward to the right direction.

Thank you so much for coming by, I paused a little to share this because I almost became a victim but I never gave up, now, I'm grateful for the decision of right approach to life. As  Challenges are inevitable, I am passing this information of hope to you to embrace, I am also learning from it too.

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So my dear friend, take it easy on yourself, no matter what you are facing at the moment, do not see your present conditions as the worst of it all and can not be remedied at all. Do not give up on yourself just because you feel it's the best option to take in order to achieve that peace you pray for.

Everything that happened, happens for a reason and it's important that you try to see through your challenges and know why it happened that way before you conclude and harm yourself or even chose a path that will bring regret to you at the end of it all.

Just as the river have different forms and sizes, that's the same way challenges of life comes with different meanings to human. You are to chose what you want to see through that situation that comes to you as a challenge.

Don't make that choice that will not give you peace of mind at the end of the day. Everybody deserves that moment of peace, love and happiness that knows no bound.

See life in that light and you will forever be grateful to every situation that comes your way.

Once more, thanks for coming by to read my article. Rafd9828

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2 years ago


Getting hurt is not your choice... Staying hurt is a choice.

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2 years ago