I am so excited

4 15
2 years ago
Topics: Motherhood

First time

I don't know if it was just me or every mother would be.I feel excited knowing my dear daughter will soon march on their moving up ceremony.She was my first born so every first time of experience in motherhood occured because of her presence.She was the one who made me feel all the excitement, happiness,sadness and worries a mother could encounter.It was also when I became a mom that I experienced yelling and nagging haha.I can now understand my mom how she felt back then.

We are now weeks away from her moving up,and I am happy we conquered the first step of her journey in schooling.I don't know if my daughter already have a dream profession at her age,but I noticed that she's in to arts and her imagination is active.Whatever it would be as long as it will make her happy we will support her along the way.I want her to enjoy her schooldays and I don't want to stress her or force her to be the best in their class.My duty is to only motivate her and make her give her best in all the things she does.

After all the sacrifices we had in her modular activities.The arguments and sharing of thoughts and ideas,from mother and daughter to becoming a teacher and student relationship while answering all her modules.Everything has paid off.She may not be as intelligent as other kids can be,I am still.proud of her achievements and how she exert efforts to learn.She maybe sometimes not in the mood but still she tries her best to finish her task in the given period of time.

It was quite unbelievable at first,my heart is full with the thought that I,I am already a mom and I have a four year old daughter who will soon march after successfully finishing K1. Owh eleven more steps before college haha.Seems too long to wait, but surprisingly it will happen in a short span of time because time pass really fast.

Is it pretty obvious that I am excited?When her teacher told me that the Moving ceremony will be by May and they will only wear the red uniform,I bought her a new one and odered her a pair of black shoes haha.Right now I am thinking of what to do during that day.Should I cook or should we rather eat on fastfood chain to lessen the hassle.Should I buy her a present or save some for the laptop I want to buy for her.

Laptop?Yeah I was thinking of buying her one because it can help her with her studies.Nowadays modern technology has affected the learning process.Most of the teachers now are giving their students tasks like researching about some topics they tackle.Its an advantage for a pupil/student to have gadgets that can ease the learning process.

I am a modern mom who tries to go with the flow of this modern technology era.And I am excited about the experiences we can have through this journey of life.


Lead image: Unsplash

$ 0.11
$ 0.08 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @Ellawrites
2 years ago
Topics: Motherhood


I perfectly understand the feeling although I'm not a mother yet. I could remember when I was going to the university my mum was all excited and crying. I asked her why and she was she's missing me. But this is a woman that would nag and I hate that so much. But, why do women nag? I nag too without even realizing it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nagging is nature of women I guess 🤣 I talk less during my younger years but when I became a mom,nagging became a part of my daily routine

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow! I can imagine how overwhelming this is for you. Congratulations to you, as a mum and congratulations to your smart and brilliant daughter.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Owh, yes. Thank you so much 🥰

$ 0.00
2 years ago