Whose Fault is it

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2 years ago

January 19th, 2022.

When we want things to go one way and they go another, we blame someone for interfering. If things are not going the way we want, whose fault is it?

Your own fault, of course, if you do not ask for what you want. But whose fault is it if you cannot get what you ask for?

It can be the fault of some person or circumstance that stands in your way. Or, it can be your own fault, for not knowing how to go about getting what you want.

I read today that a woman committed suicide by hanging herself on a tree, if she had done it alone it would have been a different case BUT she hug her child to the tree as well. By the time the rescue team would get there, they were both dead.

Whose fault is it that things did not work out the way she wanted it to?

A man said to me once that he had planned to write a book. One thing and another prevented him. For thirty years he said he had never been able to do anything about it because "there was always something in the way."

These things and others interfere with our good intentions: work, illness, interruptions by friends, travel, children — the list goes on and on. They are good and necessary things too, but they prevent us from doing other things.

On politics, we fight for better policies in areas where we believe it will make a positive difference. We can help choose candidates for offices that are important to our lives and to the lives of future generations.

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We can make our voices heard by writing to elected officials, signing petitions and being involved in community groups that share our views.

We can even take part in the actual political process by getting involved in party politics, running for office or even hosting a debate or candidate forum at work or in your community. We need to remember though that at the heart of democracy is voting.

Whatever comes out of the the decision we take through voting is no ones fault.

Are we at fault.

Are we at fault for being born in a country that was built on the backs of slaves and for not acknowledging our privilege and history as wealthy citizens.

Are we at fault for taking our education for granted and not working hard enough to get one. For letting our grades drop and not doing course work that could get us into college. We could be professional athletes, but instead, we choose to just be mediocre in school.

We are at fault for not doing enough to help our community.

It is very easy to blame others for what is happening to yourself. It could be the government, your parents, your friends, or even the weather. While sometimes these factors do not help us achieve success, it is also important to realize that it is our own lack of efforts that can also prevent us from being successful.

Before we blame others, we need to make sure that we are willing to do whatever it takes to make the situation right. If you believe you have done everything in your power and the result is still not what you expected, then we have no right to complain because it simply means you did not do enough.

In the end, only you have the ability to change your life. Blaming others will not get you anywhere.

The word responsibility is a word that can be heard the most often when things are not going the way we want. It is a very powerful word and it can bring out the better in us and it can make us do better.

The problem is that sometimes we use this word wrongly, we blame others without giving them a chance, even worse, when someone in our family or community is not doing good, we blame them, as if they are the cause of all our problems.

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2 years ago
