Samosa Ah my most favorite snack out there😋 is samosa. It has a great combination with tea, we usually buy it from streetside shops which deal in selling these. People have made businesses in selling this delicious snack which here in Pakistan people buy for evening tea. This souvenir has become one of the most bought snack from the list of street food. India-1481500-480 A wrap made from dough with different fillings and fried it is. It is often also the part of gatherings, parties and guest visits. Samosa-165850-480 Types of samosas: ▶Chicken Samosas: These are prepared with chicken (shredded) with spices, onions, jalapenos etc. ▶Potatoe filled samosas: Boiled and mashed potatoes, jalapenos and spices. ▶Vegetable samosas: Cabbage, peas, jalapenos or capsicum and spices

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@QAS786 posted 4 years ago
