📦How to Tell if Someone is Scamming You Online👨‍💻

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2 years ago
Topics: Online, Scam, Technology, Computer, Trends, ...

📦How to Tell if Someone is Scamming You Online👨‍💻

🎇photos are not mine. copied from google.com🎇

📦One of ten adults are experiencing scammers online and it is extremely rising since more people get scam then scammers earn more money too. The most effective way to make sure you avoid to be their victim is Learning their style of language. I am hoping that this article, will enlighten everyone about scammers. You may also learn some tips how to identify them. After reading this article you gained more solid information about them and not fall for them. These are the sign that someone is a scammer. ✨

📦First is they pretend to be from a respected source, an online scam will often try to gain your trust. It may pretend to be from a respected source such as the official from the government, a business you like, your employer, or even a family member. When you receive an email from your friend, a family member, or another trusted source, please think for a moment to verify the identity before you reply. It’s better to ask private details before you agree. Sometimes thinking slowly and verify first before you do an action✨

📦Second is imaginable promises. How about it doubles your income in a month in just small amount your investment that someone promises something that sounds too much good to be real, and you don’t know them, it’s most likely fake. For instance, you won 1 million in the raffle but before you get it you much deposit a certain amount for convenience fee. ✨

How to protect yourself against scams?

📦It is very easy to protect yourself, even if they are smart and have a lot of flowery words. Just follow this simple steps. ✨

✅First is find for signs of fakery like misspelled words or poor grammar because known organizations are very particular of the technical aspects of the details. ✅Second, don’t click links in emails or texts message because some links are automatically gathered your data on your device. ✨

✅Third, Don’t log into an account from an email or text as I said some links are program to get all your information from your devices. Lastly, secure your online accounts using two-factor authentication and verification. ✨

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🏧Author's Epilogue✨

🏧Thank you for asking this question from @Castiel-han


📦Because of this I do some research and write article about this. To all people who like and up voted my previous article, thank you so much and please do continue reading my article.

 Disclaimer: All texts and information are based from my own experience while gathering data from google.com. Any similarity to any other contents are unintentional. The article is not advice to follow. It is made for educational purposes only. Make a research before adopting or using my opinion.

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Avatar for Princeyahwe
2 years ago
Topics: Online, Scam, Technology, Computer, Trends, ...


This is very helpful especially to those who are not yet introduced when it comes to online scam. I totally agree with you about the sharing links. Thanks God my partner taught me how to easily identify the link if it's from scammers. I hope this can be an eye opener to everybody . This is a well- deserved article. Two thumbs up for this👍👍

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Scammers are all around us, be it in person or in the virtual world. That's why we should be extra cautious on our actions and evem our response on things. Not to mention, these thoughts that you shared are truly helpful and informative my friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

What an informative article coming from you sir @Prince! Thanks for this Sir. By the way, nice meeting you here on read.cash!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nice meeting you dn po lodi,

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Very informative article.. Thanks for this. Nowadays, scammers are everywhere. beware always.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you ani sir, makatabang gyud ni as pointers on how to avoid to be scammed by somebody. Labina kung their only sole purpose is to earn immediately.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes maam, pra mkprevent ta sa mga scammers

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Internet or real life, scammers are scammers everywhere and their aim is to steal counter labor. It is up to us to give them this opportunity or not. We have to be careful and not trust anyone with ease.

$ 0.00
2 years ago