The best theory I love most

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3 years ago
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Good morning my lovely readers! I believe we are ready for today? Many of my friends from other countries would be spending their day and should be in the afternoon/evening right now. It's the start of work for many of us especially a student like me.

In some years to come by God's grace, I would be a Psychologist because I still want to study for my Masters and learn more about Psychology. One of the theories I love most is what I want to talk about today which is the psychosocial theory of development. I can slowly explain this to your understanding and I really love it so much.

This theory was propounded by Erick Erickson. He was a German-American Psychologist. His main idea of this theory was that every individual faces conflict at each stages which may or may not be easily resolved.

Erickson emphasizes more on the social nature of human beings rather than sexual nature which Freud propounded.

There are eight stages of the psychosocial theory of development which I will be explaining in my own knowledge and understanding.


This is the fundamental stage of development which starts between birth and one year of age. At this stage, the child solely depends on an adult for survival. The child knows that the adult which is the parent or guardian would provide everything for him or her. The child learns to trust the parent or adult for love, care, needs, safety etc. But when the child is deprived of all of these things and the adult cannot take care of him, he starts to lose trust (mistrust) in the adult.


This focuses on early childhood. At this stage, the child develops personal control and can do things on his own. Children wants to feel independence and they start to perform basic actions like knowing when to pee or take the potty so they don't pee on the floor. They can now decide which is sweet and bitter. When children aren't left to explore things on their own, they start doubting their ability and they feel ashamed.


This stage is from preschool years. Children begins to maintain or assert their powers and control in the environment. They involve themselves in different skills and want to explore things outside the world. They also want to lead others in doing different things, but children who are not able to explore their skills feel guilty and doubt in themselves.


This focuses on children from ages 5-11 years. At this stage, children feels sense of competence in their skills. They develop sense of pride when they achieve success in their academics and are encouraged by their parents and teachers. Children who are not encouraged by parents or teachers feel inferior among others and affect their low self esteems.


This takes place during teenage years. At this stage, the teens start to identify themselves among their peers. They want to know who they are and their sense of personal identities is developed. When they are unable to find answers to who they are and what they want, they get confused.


The young adults at this stage start to be committed to close relationships, they develop intimacy with other people around them. They try to work out smooth and loving relationship with others and are successful in it. When young adults finds it difficult to make friends or associate with another, they feel sad and isolate themselves.


Generativity is the ability to create or reproduce according to the English Dictionary. At this stage, the adult wants to involve in actions like volunteering and also trying to help people so they can benefit from them. The adult wants to leave an impact and be helpful in the community. When an adult hasn't done anything in the world or to his or her family, he feels unproductive and uninvolved.


This is the final stage of the development and this focuses on ages 60 years and above. At this stage, people will look back to see if they have lived a good life. They think of what they have done to contribute to the world and at this moment, they feel their integrity was maintained. But when an adult looks back and found out that he didn't live the best life or leave the best legacy behind, they regret their lives. Despair and depression comes in.

I hope I have lectured us this morning? Thanks for reading.

I got a new sponsor. @foryoubtc09 thank you for the support. God bless you always 🤸🤸

|November 28, 2021|

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3 years ago


This theory is interesting and it's actually what happens in life. I do love psychology and at one point I was even taking an online course on it some years back from Massachusetts institute of technology, that was before I got admission into the university

$ 0.01
3 years ago

I also take online course then but I couldn't focus on it more since I gained admission. I will surely return back to it when I finish.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That's a great idea, it will help to augment the knowledge you already have from the university

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You're really book smart... And you'll make a great lecturer of you every decide to teach.... This is a really good choice as far as theories go!!! Really educative!!!! I like the intimacy vs isolation part... I can really relate to that one...

$ 0.01
3 years ago

🤭🤭thank you B.Mac!

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Each one of the stages is interesting and I do not find myself in any of them. I think I am an alien. Hehehe. I just play.

$ 0.02
3 years ago

😅😅😅 you aren't an alien. I believe every individual has passed through each stages.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is great Busayo. Learning about ourself from a psychological point of view is great.

It’s true that we do face conflict at every point of our lives, when I was young I can vividly remember my problem and I still haven’t solved it till now

$ 0.01
3 years ago

We all encounter different problems as we grow up but we also must try to always solve them as they show up.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

When an adult of a certain age looks at his past life, he can see most of these stages and realizes that he has already passed through these stages. In every age period, my ideas and reactions to events change and I learn new things. Sometimes it was the previous stage that I can criticize myself.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

You are right. Every adult has passed through each stage from the beginning. Thank you for your input.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for the enlightenment, I have never heard of this theory before but it seems to correlate with my life and I have to save it to read it again sef

$ 0.01
3 years ago

It does correlate with every individual's lives. Thank you for stopping by.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yea I know of the last stage being the stage of integrity or despair which must occur to every human whether we like it or not. I also see it as the stage of controlled contiousness in that one's mental capacity has been developed to an extent in order to meet up with the real situations at hand being a stage of advice to the younger generation that have not attained that final stage yet. Very important you explained it here

$ 0.01
3 years ago

You are right. Everyone would get to that stage too but the important thing is to live your life in a way that will make you happy you left an impact.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you dear for letting us know about each stage of human life, and its development. Imitation and learning are the main tools to work for developing person's personality.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

You are right. Thank you friend.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I remember this one Princess. When I was a student I always study this kind of topic because of the exams. I forget some but all of it rewind now because of your article princess. Thank you so much for this princess.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

I am glad I brought them back into your memory to understand it more. Thank you for reading too.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes princess and thank you because of your article.❤️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Identity vs. Confusion that's my favourite based on what you wrote. I can observe that teens has the confusion for who really they are, either a girl or a boy. Though they have a body of a man but still choose to be different (the opposite). I'm not here to judge (I love LGBTQ's). Maybe it's the confusion that brought them to be like that or it's their choice to be different.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

What is LGBTQ's? Yes, many teens are finding it difficult to identify themselves and you see most of them wanting to change who they are just because they want to feel among and think they aren't good the way they are.

$ 0.00
3 years ago