How I lost my dog and $250

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Avatar for Princess_sofia
2 years ago

Date: 12/11/21

#Article 2

Good afternoon here once again, I've been so happy since I joined here yesterday, the level of welcome that I've received since I joined yesterday has been heart warming and I hope it continues this way.

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On a sunny Saturday, I had woken up late that day because I went to party over Friday night, it was a really nice party even though I didn't plan to go but thanks to my friend, Stephanie who came to drag me out of my house to follow her and I really didn't regret any moment going out that night apart from the fact that I woke up real late, around 12:53pm on Saturday. I hurriedly took my bath and made cereal to give me strength till I got to my fiance's place.

I was running late already because I had a date by 2pm, he started calling me around 1:30pm to be sure if I would still be able to make it to his place because he knew about where I went last night. I left my apartment in haste but as soon as I got to the gate, I saw a young man carrying a puppy, it was all these pet breeds, an American husky to be precise and I really fell in love seeing that dog.

I have been a dog lover since I was ten when my father bought a dog, although it was a German shepherd, it didn't stay too long before it was poisoned by our jealous neighbors. I remember how hard I cried when Bella died, it was really a sad moment for me and the whole family infact because she was just a year old, my dad promised to get me another dog but I refused and insisted that I wanted Bella again but that wasn't possible, that was why I was curious when I saw this guy with the dog. I was lost in the moment and even forgot about where I was headed as I approached him to as if he was the owner of the dog and if it was up for sale and this conversation ensued;

Me: hey, how much would you like me to offer you for this puppy?

God's power: I'd really love to sell you this puppy but it has been booked already and I'm even just on my way to deliver her to the owner but I can help you get another one if you're still interested.

Me: oh that's a nice idea but I'd be glad if you could get me a Samoyed breed instead, would that be possible?

God's power: well, I'm a dog dealer and I cannot say it is not possible but it will be hard and it would cost time and money.

Me: I would go any extent to get it, just give me your phone number

He gave me his phone number and told me that it will cost at least $250 and I was surprised but I knew the dog is going to be flown into the country, so I agreed and advanced a payment of $100 to him so that I'd balance his payment when he brings the dog.

At this point, my man was already getting angry because I was not showing up and I was also ignoring his calls but when I finally got to his place, I apologised and explained to him why I was late and he understood and even promised to complete the payment for me which he did almost immediately as he wired the remaining $150 into my account and I was thankful for that as we headed towards KFC, this place is known for chicken specially, I have always heard about their specially made chicken but that was apparently my first time of going there and it was all fun as I enjoyed every segment of the date. We had chicken and chips and couldn't even finish it and had to take the rest of it home.

Let's skip Sunday and go to Monday when I called God's power about the dog and he said the dog just entered the country that day and he was going to get to my place latest on Tuesday and I couldn't wait to see my new pet. Tuesday morning came and I didn't see God's power, I called him again and he told me to be calm as he was going to bring the dog that evening.

At exactly 5pm, I heard a knock on my gate, I ran down to open the gate and he was the one with my pretty pet dog. I gave him his balance and appreciated his service as I closed the gate after him, we also had some other talks but that's not necessary here. I carried the dog inside and gave it it's already prepared meal that I bought from a store not far away, this dog was very jovial and active for the first three to five days that it was with me before I started noticing how lazy it had become, I complained to God's power and he asked me to pay another sum of $80 for the treatment of the dog which I did, he took the dog away and never returned. I kept calling his phone number and he didn't pick up, this was very saddening until I found a way to arrest him and he was charged to court, he explained to the court how he was scared after the dog died, he claimed to have been scared so he couldn't face me and tell me that the dog had died. The judge asked if he was a vet doctor and he said that he wasn't, to cut the long story short, the court asked him to pay only the $80, that he took from me for the treatment of the dog because according to law, he had completed the first part of the contract by delivering the dog to me and anything that happened afterwards was my fault.

My conclusion

Always seek professional advise when you're going to get something that you know nothing about, be it a car, take a mechanic along or a dog or any pet like my case, take a vet doctor. I was ignorant of this and I paid dearly for it. The essence of taking a professional along is to check the well-being of whatever you're purchasing so that you won't regret buying such thing.

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Thanks for reading 😊❤️

All images including the lead image are gotten from

$ 0.12
$ 0.03 from @HappyBoy
$ 0.03 from @Crownofbeauty
$ 0.03 from @Abhay
+ 1
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Avatar for Princess_sofia
2 years ago


I'm really sorry about this Princess 😢 . It's best to always seek professional advise when venturing into something one have little or no understanding about.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I wish you told me this earlier but I've now learnt in a hard way

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank God for this, do you know I was planning to get a pet dog. I think I would find an expert to get it for me in order not to end up being duped

$ 0.02
2 years ago

It's better to learn from others mistakes, don't wait to be duped before you learn

$ 0.00
2 years ago