How to Add smartBCH on Metamask or Brave Wallet

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Avatar for Pjman7
Written by
2 years ago

Thanks to Josh Ellithorpe we now have the info needed to add the smartBCH network to Metamask. Here is a guide for how to use the information provided.

Click below to see his post providing the needed info.

If you have not already done so Install Brave Browser or Install the Metamask Plugin and setup the base wallet.

Click on the Fox or Click the hamburger menu on Brave then click Wallet

Login to your wallet

Next Click on the dropdown that says Ethereum Mainnet

Select Custom RPC

You will then be presented with a screen that looks like this

Below you will find the info you need to put in for each field.

Network Name:





Symbol (optional)


Block Explorer URL (optional)

Please note many of these settings are not set in stone and user are free to customize them at this point only the chainID and RPC URL are important and different RPC URLs are possible the one used is one created and ran by Josh

Click Save

Now a new network should be added to your list of available networks to connect to

Select smartBCH

Now you should be able to interact with sites that are running on smartBCH

$ 48.96
$ 25.00 from @RogerVer
$ 21.82 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 1.00 from @mtrycz
+ 5
Avatar for Pjman7
Written by
2 years ago



$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hey, do you know something about liquidity. I created a token, but I don't know how to send it, I mean what addresses should be used to send people the token I created on smartBCH ?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for this really needed it

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hi, it's a big help for me as a newbie in metamask and trading, there is one thing i want to ask if you know. How to transfer my smartbch balance to main network so that i can swap token. Can you help me? Thanks in advance.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Now that I am connected to smartbch using metamask I would like to know how can I add some BCH to it.


$ 0.00
2 years ago
$ 0.00
2 years ago