Ordinary Hump Day | Outlining
I figured it is about time to will myself to write. Hah! I noticed I break the rusty visit streak if I keep my writeup interval too far apart. So I gotta find a way to find the momentum again. The thing is I am quite lazy these days.
There are lots of topic I can think of to write about but I just don't want to pull my brain cells to put in much effort in them.
Top of my head that I may want to further write about:
Intriguing Contents that gone Viral : Joyce Pring and Wil Dasovich
The past few days, an intriguing interview between Joyce Pring and Wil Dasovich - two well-known content creators. I'm surprised that somehow the noise and the read are quiet about it. I guess people are just trying not to get into the topic to not get into unnecessary heated discussions.
Or I am just not hanging out too long on either platform to catch a single scent of discussion.
You think the election was a great sword that cuts relationship ropes? This one ignites and burns bridges far faster!
My quick brain piece : the gospel has to be put out there. And yes, it will offend some. It was not hundred per cent embraced in the old days, it will not be hundred per cent embraced even to this day and even until Jesus Christ comes.
We can all try to fool ourselves with the "good vibes" mindset or we can boldly try to face up with our humanity and our need for God - and this too, will be branching out to an even deeper interesting discussions.
I do not have the podcast link of part 1 from Joyce just yet and too lazy to dig up some so I will leave that hanging. But in case you would want go dive into it, a google search I guess will lead you there. Or better pick it up straight from Joyce's channel, yeah?
Intriguing wit-filled response on framing the inverse proportionality of dollar-peso strength
Depending on which side you are, you would find his statement either nonsensical or with sense. People are reactive these days. Memes are out and every "wiser-than-thou" is out to shut you down. But, of course, if you only let them. I propose open floor for discussion without the element of ridicule.
Intriguing senate proposal of banning K-dramas in exchange for having local entertainment getting better patrons
Do you find it insane? Waste of time? Senseless? I find it interesting and a part of me would agree. Again, an opportunity for an open floor for discussion without the element of ridicule.
But then again people these days have become brutal with their freedom to type in their thoughts. And just as very swift they are in sputtering their thoughts, they are also very quick to say "ouch" when people, who I assume also have the same equal right to sputter out their thoughts, start saying something that is opposite of their conviction. Snowflake, much?
What I have observed though, in any scenario, the contribution of our triggers come from "who" we are hearing the news from.
Had it been someone else who talked about the economy - one you are looking up to or one you "respect" - you would agree and find the statement as one with wisdom.
Had it not come out from a certain controversial senator, the thought of encouraging people "to love our own produce" will come as "patriotic" rather than weird.
Damn if you do. Damn if you don't.
We are living in the time when every minute thing is something that pisses everyone off depending on which polar side you are.
Which makes me amused about our humanity.
We sputter "be kind" and appeal to everyone and yet we loose it just as quickly. We call our hatred justifiable just because the past horrors entitles us to it.
So what happened to kindness?
Is kindness only given if it is agreeable or sweet to our palate?
Would you look at that? I started this with an intention to touch on "initiation". Which I am now unable to steer the flow to.
I think I can leave this here for now.
Let me go back go my Netflixing and battling whether I would want to eat dinner or not.
'sup? How is your week going?
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Never heard about Joyce Pring and Will frenny. Pero yang banning kdrama yan narinif ko. Ang daming galit na galit ee, talagang inuuna pa nila yan kesa dun sa mas need ng attention sana 😅