Black fly is seen as a threat to mammals and averages a disease-causing insect. This fly is hugely seen around Africa and in the forest region of the Americas.
It is scientifically proven that some Africans have built an immunity against the bites of the blackfly. That nonetheless, the insect is still causing a lot of discomfort within the region and far away in the Pacific coastal lines. In Asia too, the presence of large species of the fly pronounces a huge risk of blood shortage for victims of its victims.
Black fly is first known for its blood-sucking adventures just like mosquitoes that smell blood from a close distance. Only the female housefly sucks blood, like the female anopheles Mosquitoes, the male feeds on micro-organisms to develop muscles that aid them in the fertilization of eggs laid by the female.
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Black flies Reproduction Tales
Black flies or turkey gnats as called elsewhere, lay eggs on water surfaces especially stream or running water. Naturally speaking, black flies love to reside in clean water surfaces devoid of any kind of pollution. Black flies could be irritating in appearance though, perching on food particles.
Black fly larva can swarm around humans causing a discomforting experience.
Economic Importance of Black Flies
• It's sucking the human and blood of other mammals. This causes drowsiness to victims. Many wildlife has suffered casualties through the blood-sucking of black flies. Humans also suffer the same fate especially when adult blackfly sucks repeatedly, cause a shortage of blood running in their system which could lead to death. The recorded death of over 12,000 wildlife has been attached to blood shortages dealt on them by the black flies. Black flies are massive bloodsuckers. Unfortunately, the flies appear innocent.
• Black flies are popularly known for causing a sickness called River Blindness. Symptoms usually don't appear for up to one to two years after infection. Skin nodules and itching may develop. Eye infections rage at one time or the other after the infection, it can lead to vision changes and then blindness. This appears one reason why black flies are very dangerous, a pinch from the insect is probably keeping the storage of an infection in the human bloodstream and when it accumulates, it produces skin diseases which if medical attention is not resorted to quickly may become very severe.
•Another economic importance of the insect is that it serves as food for aquatic life. Fish farmers have tested the use of blood work in finding a replacement for fingerlings but found that black fly larvae served better. This appears to be the most economic importance of the blackfly. Fish preferred to feed on larvae of black flies than on artificially prepared concentrates. Of course, black flies lay eggs on the flowing stream, the eggs are hatched on the surfaces when the stream had washed the eggs. So, aquatic life finds a sumptuous meal in them. However, in the developmental stages of the blackfly feeds on microorganisms too. The ecosystem survives at the instance of these small insects. No gift of nature is idle, they play vital roles in sustaining the processes of living on earth.
Everything thing that nature has given us has a role to play in the ecosystem. Sometimes, it appears dangerous, it also should be noted that everything has its advantages too.
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