One Way, Only Way
I have had a lot of discussions about how life will eventually be sharpened in the end. The opinions differ from one person to the other. In some parlance, it is seen or viewed as what science has come up with. The discovery is that life is in stages and at some point, it will become obsolete. On the other hand, we have viewed life as a natural phenomenon and nothing more.
You know, in the midst of all these, I have taken a back seat to regurgitate the essence of life from different perspectives. It was with utmost attention that I considered this. My life, our life will miss the direction and purpose for which it came to be if we fail to understand the clear intention of why it was created in the first place.
In my findings, man is indeed a social animal. More inclusive and collected in the way of doing things, the thinking faculty of man is simply large, enough to fashion the space where finds himself to taste. We can say the same for all creatures too, at least they have their limitations and how they perceive their environment and live to satisfy their desire, just like humans.
Fat from all these, the spirituality of man and the evolution theory leaves a gap to be filled. The gap is our major concern in the world today. The inability of a man to seek the truth and know what components comprise his nature. We have nonetheless walked far away from what ought to be the truth and now seek things that would tear us apart and make us more vulnerable.
The Spirituality of Man
One truth that has been established is that every man on earth is made up of three components. These components make man distinct from every other creature.
Hence, these components control man and direct him on the journey through life knowing that physical life has a connection with another form of life called the realms.
Knowing this truth is to our advantage. It helps us to know how our obligation in life is to make it better than we met it.
Body, Soul, and Spirit
Have you wondered why you sleep and have dreams and for those who are gifted could have the gift of foretelling the future? That's an indication that man is not just a natural phenomenon. Man has a link to something bigger than nature. Hence the need to live comfortably and affect our environment.
When a man dies, the body decomposes while the soul and spirit return to the maker. This post will not concentrate on the process for eternity. It will however look into what has caused inconsistencies in life.
As you know already, man is unable to reach the purpose of creation despite his discoveries and inventions. Let's see some of the areas that have torn us apart rather than bring us together.
Power Tussle
In recent times, it has been discovered that power tussle, a factor that has existed, as old as the existence of man, is one major problem that has polarized humanity.
The most current example is the war between Russia and Ukraine. All still boils down to power and showing off. In our daily lives, we get to experience much too.
Let's consider that all men agree and are supportive of each other, and the world would have been a better place than it is now.
The struggle for power and control has left siblings in disarray. Making them enemies instead of brethren.
Love of Money
Power and money go hand in hand. It is the basis for which we compete. The sciences have propounded the theory of competition. Men compete for nearly everything because they want to earn the best money. It is also because of money that problems are created so that people will buy solutions.
For instance, when computers were invented, computer viruses too came to being, and to be able to keep your personal computers free from any kind of virus, you may need to buy an antivirus. These viruses are man-made.
It goes on and on like this. This makes the world a more difficult place to live.
What men ought to do is to accept that we are the same. That all are freeborn and no slave or master. Until we are able to settle these factors, humanity will keep suffering what it ought to enjoy.
I want that money and power. Lols. But you are right... We need to find ways to live in harmony and balance