Idolizing My Idol

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2 years ago

Eavesdropping is not my thing but that night, while walking through the corridors, her prayers with the sound of cry emanated from her room. She was crying in prayers for us all, her children. My heart caught a cold at that instance, the love she has for us made me buoyant with confidence that there is someone who cares for me, for us. 

The song, lullaby if you like to refer to it that way….. Who sat and washed my infant head, when sleeping on my cradle bed…. Speaks volume of my idol. 

Today is mothers day. Yes, it is. You may be asking how many times there is a special day for mothers in a year. As far as I am concerned, I can celebrate my Mother, my idol. 

My first time in school many years ago started with a great move my mother made on my behalf. Dad will not allow us to go to school with food or money. He made sure we ate at home and came back home to eat lunch after school by 2:00pm. Mom went beyond the boundaries to drop a coin in my pocket and signalled me not to mention it to anyone. 

Perhaps, she is heavy at heart that her little son would be leaving home for the first time and going to school. She probably wanted me to feel at home. I bounced yo school unlike every other child will cry to school the first day they will be resuming at school. 

Between that time and now, my mother has done much more than I can remember. 

It has been a jolly mixed ride through the years. There were times my idol stood in the gap to put food on the table. 

Looking back in time, I now understand that it is a great opportunity to be a parent, and more challenging to be a mother. I put all my thoughts in this short poem. 

She stoops to the lowest,

Carried her child in the rain,

And a log of wood on her head,

With the strength she could muster,

Every passing moment she believed,

Is getting close to her day,

When she will be rewarded. 

She didn't do it for rewards,

Nature only wired her so,

To care and love,

To laugh while crying,

And hold the fort when others murmur,

Blissfully walking on thorns. 

That's who mothers are,

A far valuable gem,

All-encompassing in weight,

Her stature and wisdom,

The home to keep and not break,


Jewel and gracious,

Mothers keep the world breathing. 

The merit of having a mother by your side is unexplainable. When you need someone to run to and the whole world seems empty, my mother has always been available. 

Seeing that today is a special day designated to celebrate mothers again, I put a call across to my sweet mother, she was already in the church and she asked that I call back. At such an age, her devotion to prayers has not waxed cold. 

Mama I Love You

It may sound difficult but it's the best thing to ever say to my mom on a day like this. I finally called her after church service to tell what she meant to me, that I will love forever. She possibly heard the emotion in my voice and asked me to kneel while she yet again showered a word of prayer on me. 

Mother's Prayer

I believe in the power of the tongue and the connection a child gets from the bond he has with his mother. Can a mother ever hear the cry of her child and turn like she didn't. We should always give homage to our parents and mothers, especially if we want them to pray for us. I strongly believe that a mother's prayers carry a lot of power in it. Do not make a mother get so infuriated to curse you as her child, I tell you, the consequences may not be palatable. 

Her Denials

This is not a hearsay. My mother has sacrificed her comfort to make life more meaningful to me. She has done some of the weirdest things anyone could have done. 

She denied herself some luxury to pay our bills. She repeated her old clothes so we could have new clothes to feel happy among our peers. 

What more can I say? Mother is a gem. A jewel far beyond rubies. My mother is my idol. I have engraved her in the deepest part of my heart. 

First Published Here

All images used in this post are mine

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2 years ago


A good mother is always so special and worth celebrating...happy mother's day to your mum!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Mothers are great creatures, i appreciate the gift of mother, sometimes i wonder what would have become of me without my mother... She's indeed an idol.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wonderful poem ! Mother's are the reason of our existence in this world. They are the source of our breathing. May Almighty God bless your Mom a healthy , prosperous and happy life !!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago