A Healthy Life Is Cheap

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2 years ago
Topics: Health, Gym, Recreation, Guide, Society, ...

Would you rather run after money and forget to take good care of yourself? Truly, work is good. You will have to earn a living by working hard. As much as we have been told:

Any man who would not work, let him not eat.

This is what is expected of us all. We ought to work, in fact, working hard is not only to earn a living by putting food on the table but also to occupy one's mind and hands. 

An empty hand is the devil's workshop. 

The dignity of labour is in the truth that life will come to you when you engage in a productive activity no matter how it could be perceived by others. 

Our talk today is not about working but about keeping fit. About living healthily. 

Health is the well-being of an individual, body and mind. Human anatomy is designed in such a way that a lot of things can be done to hamper the free flow of sanity. 

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Care For Mental Health

Man is wired by nature to depreciate in status of health as age sets in. Thus, we ought to understand that some substances like food and supplements should be avoided to have a mental stable life. 

Unrecommended Drugs

This is the beginning of drug abuse. When we take drugs that are not recommended to us by a medical expert that is registered by law, we have abused the usage of such a drug. 

This common offense that endangers our mental health is what is in vogue in this generation. Teenagers and young adults now use drugs illicitly. This was not the common practice some two decades ago. 

Substances are now abused without looking back by youths especially and the government has not put any serious instrument in place to curb this demeanour. 

Unhealthy Eating & Drinking Habit

It is now a common habit to eat whatever comes our way. People have failed to take medical advice concerning food. They would rather eat junk food and food that is prepared in an unhygienic environment. 

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Alcohol is another way through which people care less about their health. The level of kidney diseases recorded in the world today is alarming. 

Diabetes through the intake of high level carbohydrates and starchy food, beer inclusive is a reason why we experience diabetes. 

The right kind of drink we should take the most is water. Water helps the body's metabolism. 

How Do You Access Good Health?

Friends, good health is not all about quality medical attention but maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The following could be of help to witness a good and healthy life. 

Eat Healthily: The foods that cost the most are not usually the best food. The best food are those you plant in your garden. If you do not have a garden, you can purchase fresh vegetables and fruits. Just ensure you eat what you monitor. 

I won't subscribe to eating canned food though. 

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Exercise: From time to time, ensure you engage in exercise to break down the acidic or toxic that are present in you body due to intake of food items. 

One could go to register with a gym or recreation facility to be engaged in exercising regularly. This could also keep one fit through old age. 

Have Enough Sleep: Sleep is a form of relaxation for the body. When you are tired and sickly, sleep could be an antidote. Sleep gives a renewed strength to the body. So, it is advisable that we should have enough sleep and allow the body to rest. 

Out of work time, before nightfall, we can have a nap to regain strength. This is what the  body yearns for. 

Eat The Rainbow: Fruits and veggies should be our watchword in eating. Fruits that has the following colours, green, yellow, purple black, orange, Red. These fruits and veggies according to colour play an important role in building the body mechanism. 

Take Enough Water:

He who brings water brings life.

Water is the essence of life. Drinking enough water, good water must be our lifestyle. Medically, five to seven liters of water daily is good for human consumption. 

With these tips, there is no limit to what we can achieve in our health. 

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2 years ago
Topics: Health, Gym, Recreation, Guide, Society, ...


Thanks for these great reminder about our health. Nowadays, it is common that moat people after the money without thinking health.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Although money is important but money without healthy life is wasted money. Good health is essential and it’s the first priority of any human being on earth. You’ve listed some major things also. Nice article but you don’t show up.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Our health should be our first priority and must be looked into every moment. Health is wealth, they say and following these tips are ways to live healthily in order to prevent any kind of sickness. Thanks for sharing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

These are valid points, health is very important just like wealth and we need good health to enjoy everything we have worked for in life.

Your tips for good health are fantastic and what many are missing out on is that staying healthy doesn't cost as much as putting our health at risk.

$ 0.00
2 years ago