What's your Word for 2021?

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3 years ago

As I was watching the motivational video of my mentor at the Truly Rich Club, he mentioned that 2020 had been such a challenging year not only to his family but globally. He shared how he had been able to survive the difficulties through his 'guiding WORD" for that year.

I was wondering, how on earth a simple word can be his guidance?

Nope, I was wrong. It was not just a simple word wherein you can forget about it. It's a word that will create impact in your life.

Remember what Yehuda Berg said, "Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate, and to humble."

All these are powerful words that can empower people to be the best version of themselves, will be their guiding light for this year and the many years to come.

So how are we going to use such word that could be a great motivation for 2021?

I randomly checked a powerful website which I felt the moment I took the "quiz" for me to know what's my word, I reflected into it. Before I fully immersed myself into taking the word, I condition my heart, my mind, my system that whatever comes out of the "quiz" I know God wants me to use the word for my 2021's journey.

It was actually early morning, as I usually do my 15minute daily reflection before I will start anything online and offline and stayed at my most comfortable area at home at the veranda facing the mountains and the sky.

I immersed myself more into the solemnity of the sky that day, felt exactly at peace.

So I prayed before taking the first step and thank God for everything he has done for me, for my family, and the whole of humanity. What we've been through for 2020 was indeed a test of endurance and steadfast FAITH that all these shall pass.

These were just seasons in our lives where we knew if we have faith, it shall surpass the pandemic. It's a test whether we hang on to God or we simply relied on our human effort and capacity to do things.

Walk with me through this 4minute video clip from Dayspring's Word of the Year quiz! and see what would be your word for this year too. Remember before you will start anything, set aside any worries and baggage you have the moment you are doing it, and FOCUS on each word. Savour the word of God through the quiz and reflect on your word.

It would be more effective should you empty yourself from anything and just concentrate on your present moment.

So are you ready? Here's the link...


Please take note if you prefer other websites you can do so, this is just my suggestion as I felt more at peace while taking the quiz on this site. It's as if, God is speaking right through me. Check on what is most convenient and most appealing to you.

There are 7 questions to answer and every time you are done on each item, REFLECT and feel the message, and then proceed!

I was surprised and a bit apprehensive as to "why" my word is OVERCOME!!

And then it hit me! Yeah, it's between me, myself and God.

SO excited for you to share your word too. Let me know how it goes.

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I have underlined and highlighted four words on my post, share at the comment section your thoughts about it in not more than 30-40 words.

The best and genuine answer will have tips from me. Don't forget to share your noisecash link below.

See you.

Image of Word: Photo by Skitterphoto from Pexels

Quotation Source: https://www.inc.com/peter-economy/26-brilliant-quotes-on-the-super-power-of-words.html

Image of Different Words: Photo by John Hain from Pixabay

Image of an Overcome word is mine edited via PicsArt.

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3 years ago


Thank you for sharing. May God bless you the four words you highlighted are focus, present moment, peace and overcome. My thought about those words is that you will overcome and find peace, if only you focus on the present moment.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Great article :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I watched 4 minute clip video and I was focus on words.Everything around me was quite and peacefull,I only hear the voice in video.An interesting experience that relaxed and calmed me down.I solved the quiz and my word for year 2021 is COMFORT.

$ 0.10
3 years ago

wow that's amazing dear @purebeauty. May God bless you more and your life will be filled with COMFORT for the whole year, and many years to come.

Thank you for taking the time answering the quiz. You must have the moment of deep introspection while going through your word. It's empowering and powerful right. God bless..

Shall send tip back at noisecash now.

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3 years ago

Thank you dear.

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3 years ago