With Cash Tokens, Bitcoin Cash Forms A Blockchain Economy

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1 year ago

A whole new economic model will materialize on Bitcoin Cash with the May 2023 upgrade.

Cash Tokens will herald a new age for Bitcoin Cash, with a permissionless P2P economic model highlighting the most robust decentralized blockchain.

Bitcoin Cash with Cash Tokens enhances its smart contracts functionality and evolves into a modern platform to support financial services with the permissionless and privacy features of the UTXO model of Bitcoin Cash.

Asset tokenization, either financial or digital/physical objects, will become a normalized procedure.

Cash Tokens leverage the high-performance capabilities of the Bitcoin Cash blockchain to bring tokenization and decentralized markets.

Smart Contracts And Tokenization On Bitcoin Cash

Bitcoin Cash sustains a superior P2P electronic payments network.

The robust blockchain functions in a decentralized procedure with several developing parties to deliver a working and scalable version of Bitcoin.

Bitcoin Cash: P2P Electronic Cash

Bitcoin Cash combines all the required elements of P2P Cash:

  • Ease of use (fast and user friendly interfaces of services/wallets)

  • Cheap to use (low fees, even zero if possible)

  • Secure (transactions performed via secure channels)

  • Permissionless

  • Borderless &

  • Trustless

  • Decentralized

  • Uncensorable


Bitcoin cash, with all these features combined, delivers the top P2P money system with the ability to achieve global adoption.

Cash Tokens on Bitcoin Cash

With Cash Tokens, Bitcoin Cash further enhances its capabilities by combining robustness with smart contract capabilities.

Bitcoin Cash with Cash Tokens supports several types of markets for asset tokenization on the blockchain.

Use Cases:

  • prediction markets (trades of contracts based on the outcome of future events)

  • token markets (DEXs for Cash Tokens)

  • identity systems

  • tokenized stocks (for companies and shareholders with dividends distribution)

  • derivatives markets

  • loyalty credits (consumer rewards, rebates)

  • tickets (for events, flights)

  • gift cards and merchandise credit (for issuing retailers)

  • permissionless stablecoins

How Cash Tokens work:

Ethereum successfully popularized smart contracts with a blockchain offering an account-based ecosystem.

Cash Tokens will bring a different approach from Ethereum's account system, which hasn't been utilized by any UTXO-based blockchain before.

"Funds are sent to a new contract in every transaction output, so the system never reuses "accounts", even if you re-use an address. "

- Jason Dreyzehner

Bitcoin Cash will capture a small part of the value each token creates in the form of BCH fees.

The Cash Tokens upgrade reached consensus in November 2022 and will be integrated with the May 2023 upgrade.

The first developments in support of Cash tokens are underway:

JeDEX - Joint-Execution Decentralized Exchange

JeDEX is a demo of an entirely serverless non-custodial exchange operating on the Bitcoin Cash blockchain. It will allow contract exchange for Cash Tokens, stablecoins, and options like derivatives.

Closing Thoughts

The money aspect of Bitcoin Cash presents a case of robust performance and long-term sustainability. Still, there are threats and conditions of volatility that reduce the purchasing power of Bitcoin Cash and the rest cryptocurrency users.

Bitcoin Cash enjoys stability for the third consecutive year.

No more contentious forks and toxic divisions, but a community united towards achieving meaningful adoption and developing the blockchain with an innovative and professional approach.

Price performance depends on several factors in this unstable and manipulated market. If the cryptocurrency market comes to its senses, it will support the communities that build even during the bearish cycle.

However, nobody can guarantee that developments will produce better prices. Thus, there is no financial advice here. Only adoption and an increase in Bitcoin Cash transactions can fix this part.

The Cash Tokens upgrade suggests a pivotal moment for Bitcoin Cash, but we shouldn’t expect an immediate effect on the price. The new development indicates the long-term vision of improving and innovating, respectful to the core ideals of the whitepaper.

With Cash Tokens, Bitcoin Cash is laying the foundations for a P2P economic model with the ability to host any financial instrument in a permissionless and borderless environment.

  • Cover Image by TheDigitalArtist on Pixabay (modified)


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1 year ago


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