The Pitfalls of Deception

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Avatar for Pantera
2 years ago

There is not a lot to discuss when someone is justifying cheating.

If someone can't understand what is cheating and the effects of their actions then anything we write about is insignificant. It is a hopeless cause.

One may find millions of excuses to keep their cheating habits but it will all be about lying to themselves.

Once cheating gets exposed cheaters will have to face the consequences of their actions.

Even if you get away you will still not feel good with yourself, unless you were brought up in this world with just instincts and zero intelligence.

You will always be the lowest lifeform since you will be just leeching from others.

Cheating in your work can help you financially for a while. And you will get that promotion for work you never mastered but found those edges you exploited, presented work of others as your own and tried to present a case of a person that is not you.

Saying that you are good in your work to others means nothing.

It is others that will judge that, you can keep your mind occupied with trying to cheat your way into success, but eventually, it will all come crashing down.

You have in your mind that by cheating you will achieve success, but everybody around you will suspect or know.

You don't fool anyone, at least not for too long. What a moment will bring, will destroy years of building your reputation.

Once a cheater always a cheater, this is how it goes.

While everything is black and white with cheating, there are some certain degrees of cheating too. Someone may not cheat very often but it doesn't change a lot either.

Be it financial or emotional damage you are causing, it will hunt you down and one day when you least expect it your reputation will worth trash.

Personal relations require trust. Sadly, we are not made of smart contracts that execute in a trustless environment. The whole world is built on trust and sincerity is our only option.

Cheating equals scamming when financial gain is involved. It is not the same and scam is a very strong word. But it is just a very thin line to cross and from a sorry cheater to become a scammer.

I'm sure many cheaters have thought of starting some kind of scam on their own since from what I've seen they've shown no remorse on their cheating actions and instead try to rationalize with lame excuses.

Cheating can be at anything and it has to do with the integrity of our personalities. A weak personality will resort to cheating, even stealing when an occasion or "opportunity" appears.

However, cheating when there is money involved is no different from stealing. Maybe cheating in games is harmless, which also means that you achieved something that you shouldn't, but cheating financially can create big problems for those affected.

Each action has repercussions and someone that cheats a platform like Read Cash for their financial gain is also someone that doesn't care for Read Cash. You can find as many excuses as you want, but nothing will ever excuse these actions.

Some are brought up with a way of thinking that the world owes them and they can grab anything they like without having to face any resistance. Why not move from cheating to scamming then? And from scamming to extorting, kidnapping, selling drugs, and destroying lives? The damage done is not equal for each of these monstrosities but you are still causing damage when you are cheating.

This is how some cheaters think, they don't need to cheat but they do it nonetheless. They are just hopeless, ruin their reputation and also disappoint other people that had hopes for them.

I don't think any cheater will ever be able to stop cheating at everything they do with their lives. It is how some people have been raised and have very low ethical standards that with time and more difficulties can only go lower.

For the online world, my approach has always been not to trust anyone completely. With many others, we have shared experiences, but there is a need to separate trust from an online acquaintance. Everyone is just behaving very immaturely on the internet, you can even find high-profile academics posting nonsense on Twitter occasionally.

But life is just like that. Unfair and cruel with unequal opportunities and everyone will have to learn from their mistakes. While cheating at anything we do is a disgrace, some people can learn and change for the better.

The first step in order to change is to realize cheating is a weakness.

I published this article after the latest suggestion by: @JonicaBradley.

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2 years ago


The trap, as you rightly say, does not bring anything good in the future. In the short term it could benefit, depending on where or how you cheat, but in the end everything takes its normal course and the lie comes out. It is impressive how people who benefit from cheating act as if it was something normal and as if it was well done, they get to the point of forgetting what they did to achieve their goal and then when everything is known, they cry for the corner, losing everything they worked for. Where I come from there is a very well known saying that goes: "Money ill-gotten will be cursed".

$ 0.01
2 years ago

"Money ill-gotten will be cursed". This saying makes a lot of sense.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, once a person cheat, it stains the reputation of that individual. It's difficult to gain trust again like a deep wound that would take ages before it heals.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes cheating Is a weakness because if people prove there self that they can do good things without doing cheating ways then we can say that they are brave and nice person . Hopefully the word cheating should be erase someday so that people live a happy and peaceful life. Because when there is cheating the life of people is 80% co'z cheaters always find ways to cheat and destroy others 😪and it's not right 😪

$ 0.00
2 years ago

So true... cheating is a weakness. They usually start small, and if they get away with it, they will try it again and again... Once they grow up getting away with cheating, they becomes corrupt and will cheat for more. 😭

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Cheating is totally wrong. Cheating is a choice. Don't let the bad side hands on you. Be ready for all the consequences on cheating. In life there are many solutions, its the best way to find than to let yourself on cheating. More articles and God bless.😇

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, some people don't cheat but the truth is they are. They are just in denial. And just like you, I'm not putting my trust easily most especially online. It's better to be vigilant than to be a victim.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Siempre existiran personas queriendo ir tras lo facil, pero de igual manera lo que facil llega facil se va y mas aun si es de procedencia dudosa

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Cheaters have existed and will exist all the time. But there is a phrase that says. You can fool people some of the time. But you can't fool everyone all the time. And I agree. Sooner or later people realize who is a cheater and it is very embarrassing to be seen by everyone like that.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Every person is not a cheater and every one can't be suspected as cheater. We should forgive 1st cheating and warn about it then if he/she repeats we should give punishment. Yeah!Cheating is like Iron rust more it come more your reputation go went and gone.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Cheating really do breaks a lot of relationship and reputation. Also, I agree that it is a sign of weakness.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Cheating should never be justified at any cost. If you did cheat, at least have the balls to admit it and be responsible for the consequence. It's true that cheating is for weak people. Weak physically and mentally that they chose cheating over facing what seems to be difficult for them. It takes a lot of courage to admit you've cheated too. Not all people can do that. some people choose to blame other people for their incompetence... for their actions. It takes a brave man to admit he was weak. So salute to all cheaters who admit they cheated and take the first step to do the right thing! But, don't get me wrong I'm not saluting to cheaters who stay being cheaters.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Personal relations require trust. Sadly, we are not made of smart contracts that execute in a trustless environment.

I wish we were. 😳

$ 0.05
2 years ago

It's so true what you've said. Cheating is a weakness. In my opinion, sooner or later, most cheaters end up fooling themselves.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's deep. And yes cheating is weakness.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love this. Cheating is for weak people. it is a weakness. Please, cheaters, don't come at me saying it is your expertise. No, it is your weakness. One day will come where all your lies and foul play will be exposed, and you will be the most helpless.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

That's true.. cheating is a weakness that some people can't control.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I've seen too much article with this type of content, can I suggest something? I just wanna know why someone cheat. Is it on their nature or what, I'm just wondering.

$ 0.00
2 years ago