Bitcoin is For Everyone

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Avatar for Pantera
3 years ago

Satoshi didn't create Bitcoin for the elite. It is a system that will remove the power of the banking elite from the equation.

With the creation of Bitcoin he gave the basis for perfect money for our times, a decentralized system of transactions to be adopted in commerce and achieve scaling above the levels of the centralized payment processors Visa, Mastercard, and the traditional banking systems.

Satoshi created Bitcoin for the people. As Gurbacs explains in his tweet from last May, Bitcoin could only be adopted by 1%. The current state of BTC makes it only possible to be adopted by just 1% of the population, which is the very wealthy part.

Bitcoin, however, has the potential to be adopted by 100% of the population with its upgraded version, Bitcoin Cash.

The distorted version of Bitcoin (BTC) that is the current dominant chain after the hostile takeover by Blockstream and the banks, is not Bitcoin.

Moreover, PlanB replied to Gurbacs's tweet, exactly as a current BTC maximalist would.

Mass adoption is overrated.


Mass adoption of the useless BTC is of course overrated and both of them are just speculators. PlanB is just expecting BTC to reach 100k to dump on the fools that will be buying the top. This is their thought process, none of them cares about Bitcoin. Of course, they don't care about the technology and don't care there is an update to Bitcoin that actually works and has the potential to reach 100% of the population.

I will translate this tweet using a quote by Matthew McConaughey acting as Mark Hanna in "Wolf of Wall Street":

Source: Reddit.

That's the discussion there between Gurbach and PlanB.

And it is us the Bitcoin Cash userbase that is accused of spreading lies. Bitcoin Cash is accused as a scam any time conversation goes there and a BTC maxi is present. It is a simple mind game by the BTC maxis to keep the propaganda and convince beginners that Bitcoin is their future. Meanwhile, fees are right now $25 and just a few days ago $60. BTC Maximalists are misleading and deceiving newcomers with this propaganda and use them to create enough support for the BTC whales to dump.

Yesterday, Musk explained the Tesla reasoning for selling 10% of its Bitcoin position.

Source: Twitter

Is Musk a BTC maximalist? Not even close, but what he twitted is probably the truth. BTC has high liquidity at the moment. And this 10% sale by Tesla could have been a test of this liquidity. Musk wouldn't want to lose 1.5 Billion dollars and doesn't plan to sell immediately. However, this instant reaction to Portnoy's tweet gives the impression that Musk is concerned about his Bitcoin investment.

Portnoy wasn't the first one who tweeted about Tesla selling BTC. The news came out earlier and there was a lot of uncertainty, so Portnoy was sent to the rescue. This is all PR to reduce the risk of negative news. Musk didn't sell his Bitcoin, Tesla did, it was all a test and an instant reaction to reduce concerns and calm the big funds down.

This liquidity is not stable though, and while USDT is covering for most of it, there could be problems at a later stage. I know that probably most readers won't reach this part and skip to the bottom, however, if you are still reading and don't understand a lot about this market, BTC doesn't always rise. It has cycles and this one is at a later stage.

The Bitcoin Cash side is often accused of spreading false information, but this is in fact what the BTC side is doing all this time.

Bitcoin Cash is working, and the community keeps growing. While we don't have the marketing and influencers BTC has, we prefer following the road of adoption, development, and word-of-mouth promotion activities.

The network is robust and only the most maxi of maxis are trying to convince their kindred that the transactions are fake. The media manipulation is not going to last since Bitcoin Cash is expanding as a simple and easy method of payments and will keep doing so until it becomes a dominant digital cash system.

An update on blockchain fees by fxstreet:

Source of video: Twitter

Street Fx added a roadblock line to the BTC low fee transactions waiting to be picked by miners. This is an even better representation of the two networks in a cartoonish style. "Really makes you think", as Bart is saying.

I had two exciting moments to share today about my adventure.

  • First one, was this notification:

My posts have more than 5000 views and I hope to have provided value to the readers of my posts. I aim to give valid information and to present the best experience to those that read my posts. I thank everyone for supporting me, I will continue getting better and eventually write perfect and highly qualified articles.

  • The second one, my last post about Townsville received a complimentary comment by Hayden Otto.

Source: Reddit

We actually should be thanking Hayden for his efforts to help with the adoption of Bitcoin Cash.

Some links we can follow and support Hayden Otto's work for Bitcoin Cash are:

Also check this flipstarter campaign:

YouTube’s #1 Bitcoin Cash Video

It has a noble goal of removing from the top YouTube search results misleading content that gives a false impression for Bitcoin Cash.

BitcoinCashCity, which I wrote about in my previous post, was also created by

Many top community members have contributed to the flipstarter cause with the top three being:

@molecular, @majamalu and @ShadowOfHarbringer

Source: Flipstarter

The flipstarter expires in 21 days and is very close to reaching the 30BCH target.

One final thought:

I haven't properly thanked @MarcDeMesel for his latest tips on my articles.

Thanks a lot, Marc, this means a lot to me. It gives a good impression to newcomers too about how to use the platform. We all acknowledge your contribution to the common goal and your support for Bitcoin Cash.

I hope to see some of the top authors and famous crypto evangelists posting in occasionally, no matter if they are Bitcoin Cash fans or not.

Even in the rare case, a BTC maximalist decides to show up and create a post, it will be an important step towards finding common ground and discussing constructively.

This platform will not censor anyone if it is done in a civilized manner and I am very confident any such conversation will be productive and interesting.

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Avatar for Pantera
3 years ago


I see BTC as more of a commodity. Something to invest in long term like oil or gold. And I see BCH as a currency. Something to use as payment for items or services.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

BCH is BCH because it is as good as cash. Really accessible to anyone because of low fees, and the overall supportive community. BCH, as I always repeat, is the future.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Most definitely this. Bch is the real Bitcoin, not Bitcoin. For myself, over the last 12 months the whole Btc space became not only more and more absurd, but further and further away from it's roots. Now, if you even question that fact that Btc is marketed as a store of value, rather than P2P cash, you are attacked or ridiculed. The truth is there is nothing they can say for their argument except, as you point out, number go up. It's their only mantra. There is never anything about how it's spreading out to the people, not ever.

Adoption is everything and coming from the position Maxi myself while seeing and working with Bch there is no competition. Bch is by far the best version of Bitcoin and is in fact the real Bitcoin. My post on Reddit to see how many Maxi's have actually used Bch proved my point, most if not all haven't. Apparently they don't need to. I want money in the hands of the people while outside the control of big government. Btc is not that. Bch is. Thanks for writing it all down and posting it.

$ 0.05
User's avatar jax
3 years ago

Thanks for your response. These are facts, and even the BTC devs are in a difficult position lately to justify the $50 fees. They even resorted in calling Bitcoin Cash transactions fake, while they are blockchain transactions. How can someone fake blockchain transactions I wonder, yet this is another display of the lies and propaganda from the Core side.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Little by little people will seek for the solutions to high fees and some other things that Bitcoin and Ethereum can't offer, and people instinctively will search for solutions and no amount of censorship will help Core fight what is coming, people are realizing that Bitcoin Core is not Bitcoin and they are already tired of paying high transaction fees, we just must tell our friends that there is Bitcoin and it has always been here since 2009 but now is called Bitcoin BCH or Bitcoin Cash.

Of course we must tell people to observe what they already have against Bitcoin Cash so that in time they make the correct trade once they realize that Bitcoin is Bitcoin BCH.

That article is real and it happened to me between yesterday and today and as a matter of fact I had another phone call today with all of them.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

What I don't understand is why BTC shills still attack Bitcoin Cash. BTC can't serve the public as a currency, maybe a few friends of Musk will buy Teslas with it, but Bitcoin Cash can be used for anything. It is not sane financially to use BTC. You are right, anyone that enters BTC is thinking this is a currency, but later finds an unpleasant surprise that is high fees.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

They attack it because they know Bitcoin Cash is a threat not to the Bitcoin name but to their bags of fiat, if Bitcoin BCH is recognize as the real Bitcoin because it works than they will lose fiat value and probably many sold their fork and if they try to buy back the price will just go up very fast because they know those that bought will not let go, and so not only price go up but they won't be able to buy back what they originally had.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

To reply to your article I must write yet another article, because I think that is what is coming and we the BCH supporters must inform others and my friends are reaching out to me let me explain in my article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Obviously. Being a student I can own the existence of crypto. Crypto is for everyone. Every layman can work with a little mind effort to be rich through bch and crypto

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I agree that bitcoin has not become what it was wanted to be. Now it is a speculative tool for wealthy people. The more I learn about Bitcoin Cash, the more I see it as a way out of this situation. More people need to know about this. Thank you!

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Yes you are very right. BCH is for everyone no matter the race or personality

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Yes, and most importantly no matter of social class. BTC with fees of $20-60 is just a toy for the most wealthy individuals. Bitcoin is Cash.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very true my friend

$ 0.00
3 years ago