Cucumber Clue #2

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Avatar for Pablo_Picasho
4 years ago

After Cucumber Clue #1 was released there was some good progress!

Reddit user u/shibe5 discovered an SLP token on the Bitcoin Cash blockchain.

Reddit user u/Bagatell_ acquired the first cucumber, and started asking some useful questions.

We're getting warmer here. The cover image is supposed to suggest that we are approaching the juicy informational contents of the ("cyber") cucumber.

Will the second clue in this series help someone crack the cucumber?
Have a look !

Cucumber Clue #2


If you like this series, please subscribe!
And please leave comments below if you have questions or suggestions.

Yours cryptographically and learning together,
Pablo Picasho

$ 0.10
$ 0.10 from @SatoshisToothbrush
Avatar for Pablo_Picasho
4 years ago


You should post it to r/btc :)

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes, I delayed on purpose because I wanted to see the difference it made to views. Also, didn't want to post too soon after first one - don't want to fatigue the general audience or maybe even annoy the mods. But enough time has passed now - will post there today.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I think currently the difference should be pretty dramatic, as Cain pointed out previously (see #2 here.

$ 0.00
4 years ago