“Media can make what’s wrong and evil look normal, exciting, and acceptable”
It is indeed amazing how public media give us entertainment and provide us a much positive experience. The contents publicized in any media platform can uplift, inspire and teach people principles that’ll bring you closer to the beauty our world offers.
But, what if the entertainment that’s been all over the media isn’t really how it should be? It is not okay to normalize explicit content just for good report and praise.
Pornography. May sound pretty normal right? Why?
First of all, pornography is specially dangerous and addictive. Curious exploration of pornography can become controlling habit leading to a coarser material and to sexual transgression. Continuous exposion would make your spirit desensitized and will erode conscience.
Movie ratings do not always reflect offensive content. Do not read books, magazines or look for mediums that appears to be pornographic and presents immorality.
Remember, “Whatever you read, listen to, or watch makes an impression of you”.
You are right Movie ratings do not always reflect offensive content. Do not read books, magazines or look for mediums that appears to be pornographic and presents immorality.