It Matters, Too.

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3 years ago

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We have been told several times why we need to take good care of our health because a lot depends on it. We have been told the kind of food to eat. Eat as many fruits as you can while you should keep fit. Take a walk in a day if you are the time that sits most of the time. Take some steps and if you can afford it, visit the gym as well.

A lot has been said to keep us in peak physical condition but a lot has been overlooked regarding the mental health or emotions of others.

We live in a selfish world where everyone focuses on themselves and what they stand to gain without giving a thought to what they can give. The same with when people join this platform and they just focus on how they can earn rather than how they can connect with others, improve others, understand others, contribute through the comment section and invite others to join. They just want to make a post and then see a huge amount on it. I have lost count on the number of people I have invited but couldn't do the work because they couldn't get what they wanted within 3 days of posting.

Okay, let me get back on track. I highlighted that for us to understand how a natural human being thinks and this cuts across every aspect of our lives where we just want to utter statements without thinking about what others are going through. We need to be careful about the kind of words we use. Someone is suffering from a mental disease and because you have an issue with the person you felt that is the lowest low you can go to insult the person? It speaks more against you than against the person because it's a huge shame on you to try and kick someone that is already down.

Our emotions matter as humans and we need to take care of them. When you come across someone with a terrible mindset as explained earlier, it's better to cut such person off if they won't take to correction. Be selfish enough to protect your mental health because that is important too.

Our emotions cannot be overlooked and should not be trivialized. You need to protect your mental health and space because a lot also depends on it. Why would you allow someone to dictate how you feel? I know in some cases you can't avoid it but then remind yourself that your emotions play a huge role in how you turn out.

A lot of things can be a trigger for anyone to suffer mental health challenges which is why we need to take care of our minds and emotions. What you feed your mind matters a lot and it will determine how you see things and how you will turn out.

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A lot of people don't like to read and that explains why most people don't develop the way they think. When you hear the things people say you will be shocked and also you will be forced to ask them which hole they crawled out from. Staying informed helps us to think and focus on what's important. Music helps and there are so many soul lifting songs we can listen to which would help us. Feeding your mind with the right kind of information would always help you, no matter what and the best time to start is now.

It goes to say that we need to master our emotions. We shouldn't allow others to trigger us in the direction we are not supposed to go. Stop responding to everything and try to overlook it sometimes. This is why we need to learn and even read books on emotional intelligence. We are not designed to make other people like us. In fact, not liking us would make us know those who are loyal to us and in our circle. You don't need too many people around but you need loyal friends who will stick their necks for you as you would for them.

If you give serious attention to what everyone keeps saying (after evaluating and knowing you are not in the wrongs) you can't go as far as you would like because you will be too cautious and would dread to take some steps because you don't know what others might say as well. Stop trying to impress others and it's okay to make mistakes. Those who accept you with your mistakes and try to improve you without tearing you down, are the people you should stick with.

Most people would want to have a say in your life because they want to show you they are better than you. You are not into competition with anyone and it's their headache if they choose to be into one with you. An average human is selfish and would want to speak against anything that isn't going his or her way. Whatever others don't like can't be good to them which is why it is not what they say about you that counts but when they are done talking, I ask you, what are you saying to yourself? Whatever you internalize and say to yourself is what will take the center stage and control your actions afterwards.

Your emotions determine a lot and you need to be well aware of it by taking good care of your emotions; mental health.

Thank you for your time.

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3 years ago


I have learned that if I stop compring mysef to others, or let alone create an indirect competition of some sort, my life would be happier.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Exactly, my friend. We should seek our happiness and stop the comparison. Thanks, my friend.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It is better to learn how to have the self-confidence of doing the most basic things ourselves, otherwise, it will be very easy for other people to control our minds.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

That's so true. Thanks for this.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is something I need to take into account.. To learn how to control my emotions... It is my great enemy most of the times.

$ 0.02
3 years ago

That's good, Janey. It helps a great deal. Always good to have you here 🤗🤗🤗.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

What you feed in your mind matters the most ♥️

$ 0.00
3 years ago matters a lot.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Firstly I will say we owns our life so we shouldn't allow people to control it for us Once people are able to control our emotions then our life is totally in their hands

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Exactly...we are putting our lives in their hands. Thanks for this.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

We need to bring lots of slay queen and slay king on board to read this because we all have a lot of things to learn from it.

You know there was a time I met this guy who buy a top for 20k but he must be on drugs to be able to interact with people, I ask his friend why are not helping him on his mental health because he spends a lot on what his physical appearance looks like and not even health.

As simple as we might see it, our physical health matters because it mirrors who we really are. It determines what the people think about us and it would make a lot of sense for people to invest more in it than what they look like to the world.

$ 0.03
3 years ago

Absolutely, my brother. A lot of people don't understand that our thought process matters and when we see something off we should call people to order. We need to invest so much in our mental health because it speaks a lot about who we are and how we sell ourselves to the world.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

As we grow older, we tend to learn how to control our emotions better and most things that used to bother us won't anymore

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Yes, age is a factor but it's a call to be intentional about it too regardless of age. That's why we read so we won't have to repeat the mistakes of others.

Thanks a lot, brother.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You're welcome boss ✌️

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago