Ecoin, pyramiding scheme or legit?

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To understand and give full conclusion towards this subject, we must first fully understand it.

What is ecoin?

Ecoin is the world's fastest-growing Cryptocurrency powered by world’s first ‘AI driven email-based proxy identity engine’ which aims to launch the world’s biggest airdrop .

Ecoin is an ‘email-based proxy Identity platform’ that rewards only one email per user, we achieve this using our advanced AI engine, which ensures that one person can’t claim free tokens more than once.

As we use email for rewarding users, Ecoin will have the easiest onboarding mechanism for average users which greatly reduces the barrier for crypto adoption. Along with this, we have a simple yet powerful referral mechanism which ensures ‘Ecoin to be the first cryptocurrency to onboard billion users’.

What gives value to ecoin in the future?

The answer is 'YOU' - yes it's you, your friends and their friends and eventually billions of users

It's the network of users that gives value to any payment network, so as we grow to millions of users, Ecoin value will skyrocket.

There are many reasons why Ecoin will be very valuable soon.

The first and foremost is this, Ecoin makes user onboarding extremely easy. Anyone with an email can simply sign up, earn and use cryptocurrency for the first time, which essentially opens the floodgates for mass adoption.

Most online businesses today are reluctant to accept cryptocurrencies like bitcoin ( even though cryptocurrencies have enormous benefits for businesses ) because only 1% of their user base uses bitcoin at the best. With Ecoin however, anyone with an email can be served by online businesses. Multi billion-dollar businesses like e-commerce, e-sports, online casinos, sport betting sites etc can serve anyone in the globe instantly.

Finally, there are two more big reasons.

‘Network effect’ - As more people sign up, the value of Ecoin rises more. The more valuable ecoin is, more people will sign up.

‘Endowment effect‘ - People value cryptos they hold much more than the ones they don’t. For crypto you hold, you will probably be worried about its price and will make sure the price keeps rising by supporting it in every way possible.

How does ecoin work?

Ecoin is a token based on EOS blockchain which can run as many as 5000 Tx per sec which is about 800 times faster than Bitcoin which means transactions on Ecoin are not only cheaper but also near-instant.

Ecoin has a supply of about 1 trillion coins of which 500 billion are locked in a smart contract which are released by about 50 billion every 6 months. The remaining 500 billion will be distributed to users who sign up on our platform.


In a plethora of cryptocurrency offered within the cryptospace. It is nice to see something that is FREE, FAST and PROFITABLE. Ecoin solves problems that the main players in crypto space cannot. Ecoin is not a scam, nor a pyramiding scheme. It is a genuine product that has high potential, in fact in the last 2weeks it saw a 100% growth in value!

Overall, this project has a great potential and it must be in your radar for a probable 1000x growth if you're a crypto enthusiast.


Ps: Once you sign-up make sure to FULLY VALIDIFY your account.

$ 0.00


Every day many new projects start based on blockchain technology but many of them end up being scams. Lets hope this is not one of them

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hey there, is it tradable?

Simple, you said. No so simple as it refuse my email provider. Main mail. Not so simple ;0)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It is tradeable on the Probit exchange!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I see. So ecoins is one of the rising cryptocurrency?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Absolutely! Try it before it's too late! Just register at and verify your mobile number and you're good to go!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I see.

$ 0.00
3 years ago