Who’s Zat gIRL..?

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Written by
2 years ago

I am a Mom.
I am a Chef Pâtissier (a little one, but a good little one).
I am a photographer, traditional Black and White.

So, basically, I am not the average millennial geek one might expect to find in the crypto spheres.
But life has that kind of jokes that sometimes sends people far away from where they thought they’d get.

In my case: the father of my kids took of for an island on the other side of the world.
It kind of ended up my career in pastry.
I had to find a job that would allow me to run to school if one of my boys was sick. So I tried to open some e-shops, only to realize how much a looser I am as a saleswoman.
Honestly: I always pitied salesmen. They can’t produce anything, so they have to sell things produced by others.. 😅

On the other hand, I loved team work, both with my kitchen colleagues and with my waitresses. When everyone does what he’s good at, and all those different talents go in the same direction, anything can be achieved.

So, why should I talk about cryptos?

First, because I mean to provide global news about the phenomenon.
I trust my friends to take a look here when they have sometime to spend on the topic. Many people around me do feel that something is happening, but most of them can’t get confortable with the issue - yet!

Second, because I’ve turned into a NFT addict, and as a photographer I do plan to put my black and white pictures of pirate vessels on the blockchain (and many more projects directly connected to Web 3.0, including one that should be ready by tomorrow!).

But before, I’d like to share some of the most amazing projects I’ve seen so far - and they are many coming up.

I’ll do my best to write everyday.
Can’t promise it will be in the morning or in the middle of the night… to be true I can’t even promise there will be a post per day..
Only thing for sure: when I shall report, I’ll give it my most sincere watch.
Now, when I am with my kids, I am with my kids - even if BTC drops down to $20,000.

I will write about things I like and things I don’t like.
I have no intention to provide any kind of financial advice or promote anything I’d be paid for. My approach about money is as described higher: I produce wealth with my hands. Money to me is not evil, it is just the next tool to exchange what I produce for something someone else has produced. It is not a goal in itself, as it is not something I despise.
As a knife, it depends on who holds it and for what.

you got me, bro?

so see ya ´round 😋

$ 0.01
$ 0.01 from @DrPsycho
Avatar for Nouch
Written by
2 years ago


Welcome here Nouch. Just be active here and soon you will have a successful journey...It's nice meeting you

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks!! 🙏😀🙏 I do my best, and looking forward to meet other crypto writers & readers. Is there anyone you’d recommend?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There are many wonderful writers here, if you want to know about cryptos, just visit @Pantera's articles. He talks about cryptos most of the time.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Welcome to read.cash, already subscribed and waiting for your upcoming posts. and goodluck with your milestone of 1 post per day.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Glad to welcome you! I did miss yesterday’s post because of a chocolate call that turned into a liver drop down… 😅😅 Won’t happen again, I swear - to you, and to my body!!! 😋 Have a great day ;)

$ 0.00
2 years ago