The world I want to live in

Avatar for Njokuiyke
3 years ago

I want to live in a world free of hatred and selfishness, a world where we can be able to live in peace with each other no matter the tribe, country and continent we come from,a world where we can live peacefully with one another no matter the colour of our skin. What causes war and crimes in the society is selfishness, hatred when one is selfish and greedy to cling to power and material things it usually results to war and violence which may lead to the loss of lives and property. If we can able to be contented with what we have and avoid being greedy and selfish the world would be a better place for all, if the whites and the blacks can be able to erase the hatred they have for each other the world would be peaceful,if the Muslims and Christians can be able to accommodate one another no matter their religion the world would be a better place. I want to live in a world where our leaders would rule for the interest of the people and not for his or her own selfish interest. If our leaders fulfil their campaign promises and do what they ought to do for the interest of the people, the world would be a good place. I pray that a day comes when we can live in such a world.

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