Building relationships is essential in the life of a man and a woman, however, as many know, there are certain challenges in this matter. Such problems may sooner or later arise even among people who passionately love each other. In order to find a way out of the situation, you need to know the essence of the problem, and this, in turn, will help to solve it.
Misunderstanding is the most common problem in family relationships. There are situations when your words may be misunderstood or, on the contrary, you misunderstood your partner. Such problems can lead to much more serious relationship problems. As a rule, misunderstandings arise from inability to convey their thoughts or unwillingness to hear a partner.
You can spend quite a lot of time together, but if the quality of communication is at a low level, then you are unlikely to have a complete understanding of each other's actions. This problem can arise from not having enough time together. With mutual employment, the two parties do not have much time to communicate, and this, in turn, leads to misunderstandings.
The other most significant problem that can destroy relationships is еgoism оr selfishness. Very often there is a situation in which the opposite side perfectly understands the desires of his partner, but does not want to provide something to her, preferring to leave everything to himself. In a situation like this, it’s not a lack of understanding, but a lack of action. If a person wants to be understood, but at the same time he himself does not want to understand the other, then in this situation we can say that he is showing egoism. The problem of manifestation of selfishness can give rise to a number of other problems in mutual relations.
As a rule, an egoist wants his needs and desires to be fulfilled without taking into account the interests of the other party. If he does not get what he wants, accusations against the other party follow, often unfounded. Hence, a misunderstanding arises. Misunderstandings often lead to anger, because the egoist intends to think that his interests are being ignored on purpose. As a result, a scandal and a deterioration in relations arise.
Perhaps, to some, these two problems may seem frivolous, but if you can get rid of them, protect yourself and your partner from misunderstanding and selfishness, your relationship will rise to a completely new quality level.
Sto sam stariji, sve manje i manje imam tolerancije, ja sam sebi na prvom mestu, volim da duvanim, volim da popijem, slusam glasnu muziku, volim sport, tu se zenski rod najcesce ne pronalazi, a da uopste nisam romantican, izgleda sam sam sebi dovoljan