My pet is a dog

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1 year ago
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The dog is a member of society who likes to have his day's work, and who does it more conscientiously than most human beings. A dog always looks as if he ought to have a pipe in his mouth and a black bag for his lunch, and then he would go quite happily to office every day.

A dog without work is like a man without work, a nuisance to himself and everybody else. People who live about town, and keep a dog to give the children hydatids and to keep the neighbours awake at night, imagine that the animal is fulfilling his destiny. All town dogs, fancy dogs, show dogs, lap-dogs, and other dogs with no work to do, should be abolished; it is only in the country that a dog has any justification for his existence.

So here comes my pet story, I was never a fan of pet talk more of dogs. But I had to experience life, I remember traveling down home to visit my grandparents, of which they had both cats and dogs. The cats (mother and kitten) will stay indoor while the dogs ( mother and puppy) will stay outside. I was more terrified about cats because of their eyes then following superstitious beliefs that most cats are witches. Then I hate the sound the make, so any time I travelled down to met my grandparents I make sure I be stay clear from all the animals.

But then I noticed something, that the dog felt they are stronger than cats because they slept outside and the go out to look for food and come back anytime, but the cat is most feed at home. The dog in the process of looking for food met with other dogs and this made the dog to take in easily before the cat. The dog gave birth frequently and this made my grandparents to sell the dog. And was left with just cat. And she didn't like the fact that dog will leave his cage outside and come inside to struggle good with cat, and want to bit the cat

My mom saw that where we lived was lonely because it was our personal house and people have not yet built houses close to ours, the area was filled with bush. She had to build a dog, I was so scared of the dog at first. My dog name was Convenant, back then my dad was very sick, he had stroke, all my siblings have travel it just me, my mom, my dad and Convenant. My mom will go to work she leave food for me to eat and give to my dad and Convenant. I was like why on earth now, a dog? with my dad challenge. I didn't know it will be the best.

When mom is out I will first lock Convenant outside do what am supposed to do, put food in his plate, open the door, immediately I open the door I jump on the bed, because our bed was high so the puppy couldn't climb. Most times Convenant will stay with my dad in his room then when he feels pressed (unrine/toilet) he will come to my room, he will jump to climb the bed, while his jumping his communicating, but I never understood till he will urinate in my room I will be angry and feel like beating him, he will keep his face very innocent.

Weeks pass I started understanding Convenant very well, we communicate very often, Convenant was now my best friend, everytime we are together, he will lick my legs to show me that his happy. When my mom bath Convenant the first time, the first person he ran to, was me so I can over him, he was so cold

Everyone enjoyed seeing us together, Covenant taught me how to run, and when we run together, am always behind so he will leave his lain and come to mine, I will now fall him. I remember the first time Convenant was telling me about something, he came to me and was barking I was with my dad, he bark till my dad said I should follow him, Convenant showed me lizard that he just killed I smile at him. They was a day left outside and enter inside the house to toilet, mummy beat him till I mummy to leave him, he was now crying but covenant took correction.

Sadly when my dad pass on, we travel for his burial coming back Convenant was late๐Ÿ˜”. He left as usual to go met his friends at our neighbor, then he was found crossing the road, a vehicle hit him and he died, I didn't even see his dead body, it is believed that calabar people eat dog meat which the called it 404. My covenant was eaten by them, they say the meat was very sweet when I ask they said they didn't know it was our dog. I missed my pet, my best friend, my play mate.

Thanks for reading my article ๐Ÿค—about my ๐Ÿˆ

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Written by
1 year ago


Your superstitions are laughable. Car are Lucifer ๐Ÿ˜‚. I think your grandmother would punished you for that. Bye the way, it's an interesting article.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Thanks ๐Ÿ˜Š I gald you like the article But it's not only me that belief sure superstitious

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Poor dog. Sorry about your dad. May his soul rest in peace. I can never have a cat as a pet. I prefer dogs.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thanks dear friend I appreciate

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I'm among those that still see cats with that superstitious attachment. Although I don't believe it but each time I see cats, those thoughts quickly run through my mind again

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Hehehehe...most times cat eye's are just fearful that's what causes it

$ 0.00
1 year ago

This was interesting at first but the ending was very sad. Sorry about losing covenant, the death of a pet feels like losing a very close friend and I can't relate to the pain because I have never owned a pet

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Thanks dear friend, I missed Convenant

$ 0.00
1 year ago