Hello, subscribers, sponsors, and co-read.cash users...
How are you on this site? Are you enjoying it? Bored? Problematic with your points? 😅
I know you're enjoying this platform with commenting, joining the contests, reading jokes, and everything. But I notice that we're just posting articles with just that topic. Some are still posting awesome and informative articles, but very few do that. Even me, I noticed that I don't have those articles (extraordinary and enlightening), which makes me sad. I hope we help each other posting good articles, which has a different topic based on the communities that we joined (ex. Photography, Stories, BCH, etc.)
For sure read.cash himself is not happy as per his article (https://read.cash/@Read.Cash/welcome-to-readcash-e45d42ef). He wants us to post articles that will give good feedback to this platform. Those who search this platform can read the articles that were amazing. That can make people visit this platform again and again. Not that they will read about the contests, how much points we earned, how someone didn't receive any points, etc. They will find it boring and don't visit the site again.
I just realized that... And want to share it with you. This can be our eye-opener. Read.cash banned himself, so we can't read any updates from him. But I hope even that happens, we can still show that this platform consists of articles worth reading and relatable even to those who don't use this platform. I will limit my post like this and start to share good information.
I hope this article makes you realize one thing: WRITE INFORMATIVE ARTICLES.
That's all.
Disclaimer: I'm not against the contests, sharing your points, and how much money you gained. I'm doing that too. But I think this platform is not built for that... So I will limit it for myself, and start posting something informative and relatable to all. It's up to you if you do it too... But I hope you will.
Thank you. 🙏
Tats should be better then because if we only make an informative article every user will learn in every aspect they didn't know which will help there self to find happiness , satisfaction, and even a job