A Day Never To Forget.

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3 years ago

I still remember when i lost my dad, it was like my world ended. I come from a religious background, even when my dad started having complications with his liver, the funny part he does not drink nor smoke.

Tho i was still abit young, so i guess my family saw no need to actually tell me certain things in details. I had to put the pieces together. I had this belief that my dad was super human, i mean notting could bring him down, even when the doctors said he had just 3 months or 6 months tops to live, he kept on pushing for four (4) years, for once he never let the sickness stopped him from doing his duity as a father and a leader. Until the end came.

It got to a stage he could nolonger drive, the pains became intense, i never really understood back then, but now i realize that was his way of trying to protect me and my siblings, he never showed pain. I still remember while driving, he would stop along the way to get snacks or something for us or bathroom break. It was later on i finally understood those breaks he usually takes while driving somtimes was because the pains he was going through where so much he had to find somwhere to rest, but he would come back smiling, making us laugh why he went through pains.

i still remember how he loved cooking for my mom and siblings, i guess thats the reason i also enjoy cooking. Then the day finally came. The day i go to see my dad cry out of pain, lying down feeling weak, this was not the superman i knew, it was then i began to feel fear. He was rushed to the hospital and had to spend days there, i never got to see him, i was still abit young and had to go to school.

The news finally came some nites later from my mom, that my dad had finally passed on. I had never cried for the death of anyone before, even when my grandfather died. I tried to bring my self to tears but i just could not. I usually find it strange when i saw people crying.

That nite i saw my mom and siblings crying, before i knew it for the first time, tears began to drop, i could nolonger control it.. I always thought my dad could overcome it all, even when the doctors said 6 months, he stayed for 4 years. Four years of pains, but he still tried to make us happy.

Many times i think about him and wished i had more time with him. But i finally realized that is not about the period of time you spent with a person that matters, its the memories you make with them. No matter how short your time with them may be, it does not matter if you have not been able to fullfill your goals or dreams you have with them. But the little memories shared with them matters.

My dad made me realize that life is not just about your self and the things that makes you happy, life is also about making others happy. What will others know you for? A heart breaker? A cheat?

Or someone who loved others before himself, someone who would go through great lengths to make sure the next person is okay. My dad taught me that in life, one should never hurt anyone, if they keep hurting you, no problem, you are strong enough to withstand it, and always learn to forgive. When we forgive others does not make us soft or weak. The ability to forgive those that hurt us is a unique form of courage and inner strength.

Dealing with the lost of a loved on? Its going to be okay. Finding it hard to forgive? Let it go,

Cause in the end notting would come out of it all. I finally come to understand that life is not just about making it big or succeeding, its also about the process, the journey before the success, the lessons learnt from your mistakes and those who hurt you. There is always a lesson to learn from every decision or situations, be it good or bad. But we let our emotions blind us from actually seeing it.

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$ 0.05 from @EvilWillow
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3 years ago


I also felt that. That pain and the realization of the things our father does to us that doesn't make sense when we were younger. Reading your article made me remember the hard times in the past that I also experienced. I knew that they are happy up above while watching us grew to someone they are proud of

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yea, its well sha

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I can't imagine losing someone close to me. It's not a happy feeling but it's inevitable

$ 0.00
3 years ago

We just have to pray for strength to carry on

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The death of a loved one is very devastating. We should treat everyone in our lives with love cause we may not be together for long.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very true. Thanks

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The pain of loosing the ones we love and hold dear to us especially our parents is unimaginable,hold still brother,some day a reason why all these happened will be related to us.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes, its not easy but we need to push on

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3 years ago