BPO Experience: Route Came To Dead End

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2 years ago

Everyone has their own roads to take that leads to different direction. A long and winding road, a crooked and narrow way, a deep or steeped route, and a beaten path. Whichever ground we walk over, ascertain, our travel will teach us valuable lessons.

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My BPO experience was quick yet unforgettable. The memoirs are treasured safely in the chambers of my heart.

To my precious readers, today I will walk you down memory lane. To the time at which my pursuance of BPO life begins. The very first job I sought after college.

The Elements of Happiness and Sadness

With a determined mind and driven heart, I went to Cebu months after I finished college and landed a job. One that filled my enthusiastic heart with the elements of happiness and sadness.

Landing a BPO job is not easy. All the more if it's a well-named company. You'll experience not just a single interview but a series. You'll have to go through varied assessments before you get hired and be one of the agents.

I kid you not, it was not a piece of cake. I've tried and failed several times. I've applied from one company to another. Then, I finally found where I belong and I stayed in that company for three months time.

Like any other job, we were trained for months to be equipped with the know-hows of our account, did mock-ups and mastered coping with diverse customers to empathize with them and give them the satisfactions and services the account has to offer. Most importantly we trained and honed our communication skills. These are the preparatory things to fulfill for you to be welcomed on the productions floor.

On a side note: Do not believe in people saying, one can never be a call center agent if he is not good in speaking English. Nope! That is one of the purpose of training. To hone one's communication skills. Not to make it perfect but just good enough. Good enough to understand the customer's demands.

During my stay, I've experienced and felt the elements of happiness. Positive emotions, meaning and accomplishment. On the contrary, I had also let my guard down over sadness. Regrets, dissapointments and dismay when an unpleasant event befell us, the wave 97 (the name of our team).

For three months, I earned new friends. The ones with good qualities and optimistic outlooks. I was grateful for them for they had showed me goodness. Though I was not close to all of them, but I am glad my path crossed theirs for once.

I remember the time when we finally made our way to prod floor, we were excited but anxious too. Thankfully, our coaches and team leader guided us well. Fast forward, we became comfortable in our work. Dealing with customers became easy. Everything was okay but only in my wishful thinking.

Our number of customers downsized. There were more avails than queueing. Hence, the owner of the company, a famous charitable man, one of the top 10 world's richest, the owner of microsoft, none other than Bill Gates himself, decided it was time to reduce the numbers of employees. Since we are probationaries, we were the ones affected. All of us in wave 97. In a swoosh wave 97 dissolved.

We were deeply saddened by the happening. Although we were given the option to apply for another account in the same company, and guaranteed us that we will be prioritized, not all of us seized the opportunity. Prolly because their dreams were shattered and so, hopes went down the drain. But in the end, most of us were re-hired, some have looked for a shelter in another company, and few have taken another road. And, I am one of the few.

Thankful to my therefore difficult to forget experience, I have now become a public school teacher. If Bill Gates had not decided to dissolve us. I would never think of pursuing my profession. Kidding aside, it was not because of him. It was God who orchestrated it all. I was not meant to be a call center agent anyway but I am meant for teaching. This is the road God intended me to walk on. Surely it will be a long and winding road.

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Thank you for staying with me up until this time. This would be all for the this article. Till next time!

Shalom Friends!♡

Written by: MyMayumi

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2 years ago


Every beginning is difficult and failure at first sight does not mean that we have to give up In this life, the struggle comes to us to be able to make our own way

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That is definitely true, friend Rosko. Thank you for sharing your insight on this. I appreciate it a lot. Nice to meet you btw.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nice to meet you too dear friend

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nindoton man ka mo English ma'am mura pod og si @Talecharm. Murag pareho tag storya gamay ma'am nga nakadestined sa pagka teacher.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hala. Hihi layo ra gyud ko niya sir. Hinagpat ra gyud na nako nga English sir. Pero thank you sa pag appreciate sir.

$ 0.00
2 years ago