Poem about life and death
The saying goes that one must die and be born.
I agree that this is the only thing you have to do in life.
The saying goes that whoever is born must also die.
Do we really die when we die?
I don't think so.
I don't believe there is another life.
Life after death.
I'm not talking about it.
I believe that one can live after death.
We live through our deeds.
Someone built, make, create.
They leave the built deeds behind through which they still live.
Someone writes, makes music, makes movies and live through it.
Someone doesn't know any of that.
They didn't do anything, but they did good deeds and after them lives the legend about them.
It is in nature for a being to leave offspring and thus continue to live.
But there are people who live after death by remembering them by the misdeeds they did.
You choose, so choose well.
Live well.
Don't count the days you lived.
Do good and you will live forever.
Author: Musician
Thanks a lot for reading.
Lead image source: unsplash
Our deeds will remain alive after death.