Flaws and virtues

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2 years ago

My virtues are also my flaws. That is how I would start this article. I believe that there is no man on this planet without flaws, it wouldn't be good to exist, you agree, I'm sure.


I'm a very fast man. I don't mean running. I'm fast otherwise, I do everything fast. I prepare breakfast quickly, I get out of bed quickly, I am quick when I get ready for work, I feed my child quickly, I sleep fast lol. When I turn around, my life passes quickly. Speed ​​is my virtue, I am aware of that, but sometimes it can be a flaw. Here is an example. I was assembling a wardrobe in the apartment and I was as fast as usual. Nobody chased me to finish that work quickly, it's just me. My wife complimented me on how quickly I assembled the wardrobe. My virtue is my flaw. Why do I say that? I got hurt several times. It’s nothing dangerous, but I always end up with injuries.

Talking a lot

As I wrote in the first part of the article that I am fast, just imagine how fast I talk. I've been a chatty person my whole life. My mother tells me that even in kindergarten when I was little, no one could stop me. At school, the kids used to tell me to talk like I am crazy. I talk even now, I don't close my mouth but I control a little. Sometimes my story knows how to tire the interlocutor. It happens that the interlocutor nods his head as if listening to me and in fact does not listen to me at all. 😊 Many times I resolved some difficult situation with my talking, for example, when a policeman stopped me to write a citation for me because I did not turn on the lights on the car, I consider it my virtue. My virtue is also my flaw. It happened to me that I enjoyed my talking so much that I made a problem for myself because I promised something at that speed, and I didn't think well about whether I could complete it. The promise needs to be fulfilled, yes, then I do extra work for myself. 😊


Meticulous, punctual, precise, that's me. I don't understand people who are not meticulous, who are not accurate, who are always late. I respect other people's time, I always show up before the agreed time. That's why I expect others to respect my time as well. After playing with my son, I like to put toys back in its place, that's what I teach him. Things in my closet are lined up like a thread. It happens that sometimes I tidy up my wife's closet, which is also tidy but not like I would tidy it lol. Being meticulous is a virtue, but also my flaw. Sometimes I go to extremes, sometimes that meticulousness can be burdensome. It burdens me personally and the family. I run after everyone around the house and tidy up. And it gives me a headache.

Closing words

I have the impression that it is good to have both flaws and virtues, that is the point. We are all different, unique. If people accept you with all your flaws and virtues, then they really respect and love you.

What are your flaws and virtues? Do you accept other people's flaws as part of them?

Thanks a lot for reading. All content is original.

Special thank to one magnificant writer @CoquiCoin for sponsorship renewal. Your support encourages me to keep writing.

Stay well and safe!

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2 years ago


Nobody is perfect and we must accept each other with all flaws and virtues. Everyone is unique in some special way. I love my virtues and I am also aware of my flaws.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Nice, I love my flaws and virtues 😊 I love my flaws more

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We all have flaws and virtues. They define who we are. And for me, love is loving the other with their virtues and All their flaws.

And you're very welcome. It is my pleasure to be your sponsor.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Yes, I agree with you. When we love someone with all the flaws and virtues it is true love 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There is absolutely no one without flaws, it's just the way we manage it that matters. Our flaws are a part of us but we need to make sure this flaws are not detrimental to our progress in life.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I agree with you. Our flaws are an integral part of life. They need to be shown because we all have flaws

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There are flaws and strengths in each of us. But yes, I understand your every point. Cleanliness helps to keep our mind well.Which is what I like to do.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes, everything makes sense when we connect like that. Flaws and virtues are there to describe our personality

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I don't like extremes, I am quick when necessary, otherwise I am very passive, first I study the terrain then I act. I keep an orderly disorder, not everything in the same place, but I know where is what I arrange.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I respect that way. The most important thing is that you feel good

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's good to have someone at home who is the neatest. I teach my son to be. To put his things away after he uses them. To put things away where they belong. To tell when something is broken. Sometimes we want others to be the way we are and it is better that they are not.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

There is truth in that. They need to be taught good things, but not to be like us 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I actually prefer to take my time to to things because I belive in perfection but I also tend to talk very fast especially when I'm excited about a certain issue and want want share my excitement with a close friend.

I guess we're similar in some ways.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

You didn't make a mistake, it's just as you explained. We are fast because we want to quickly explain and share our excitement. We are similar

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, that's right..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I totally understand you on your point of neatness, I take great pride in my work house time and cleanliness but when someone decides to waste my Time or isn't organized and it affects my life then I get angry

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Yes, that's it. When someone uses my time in the wrong way, I get angry too 😊 I'm glad you found yourself in my article

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is a great subject, and I love the way you state your flaws as well as your virtues, and it's funny because I can relate very closely with all of them haha.

I'm shy but when I get confidence it's hard for me to stop talking. I'm also fast, always been, always will be, and neat, maybe like your wife, but I'm often behind my mom and sister tidying up after them haha.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Thanks for the nice words. I think we can all somehow connect. We understand each other completely, because our flaws are also our virtues. Thank you for your sponsorship 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago