For most people, drug use is the only other way to change consciousness that is no different from other recreational activities. However, a relatively small number of people who have developed more compelling ways to use drugs do not use them just for fun, relaxation or "separation".
It usually serves a deeper purpose (such as reducing identity, increasing acceptance and mental anguish, or increasing feelings of elevation).
Humans have a long history of using substances to change their consciousness. The ancient tribes made their own psychotropic materials, some of which are still used today.
When working with young people, it's far crucial to understand that for many, drug use is a reasonably ordinary a part of developing up, and that the motives why many younger people use capsules isn't always too exclusive from the reasons why adults may enjoy consuming alcohol or undertaking different non-drug activities.
It is important to understand why young people may choose to use alcohol and other drugs and to consider this in the context of youth and youth culture.
The lives of many young people can be difficult as they struggle to define their identity and deal with the many challenges of adolescence. Although adolescence is a time of discovery, fun and achievement, it can sometimes be confusing for some young people.
Frustration, anger, and trauma can be the result of environmental or individual circumstances.
Some people are at risk of substance abuse and addiction disorders. Their vulnerability can arise from many factors including their genetic traits, family background, psychological factors and social norms. Overall, these factors make a person's drug use very valuable, although this decision may be against their long-term interests.
Note that the factor in one person are not the same with another person. Most people are not addicted to drugs.
Here are some reason why people use drugs :
Impulsivity is a personality trait that is often referred to as a risk factor for alcohol and substance abuse. Drug addicts value delayed rewards less than immediate rewards. An excessive preference for immediate satisfaction, despite the long term consequences, leads to addiction problems.
The self-healing theory of addiction suggests that grief is at the heart of substance abuse disorders.
That is, individuals who lack the skills to modulate emotional responses and tolerate negative emotions use drugs in an attempt to manage negative or distorted conditions.
Alcohol is often used to combat social anxiety. Drinking will relieve anxiety at least temporarily.
There is evidence that if the cost becomes too high, it will stop using it. Many of the states with the lowest smoking rates are the ones that have been most aggressive towards indoor smoking laws and state taxes that drive up the cost of cigarettes.
In general, when the price of cigarettes goes up, people smoke less. Increased alcohol taxes generally lead to a reduction in alcohol consumption and, in particular, a reduction in binge drinking and other types of binge drinking.
Drug addicts generally lack sufficient positive human interaction to maintain happiness and turn to drug abuse in part as a form of self-medication.
The feeling of isolation is a major source of unhappiness. The experience of loneliness is painful. That is why we sometimes turn to ice cream or other fatty foods, when we are alone at home in the world.
Problems with self-regulation specifically attributable to loneliness have manifested in alcohol abuse, drug abuse, eating disorders, and even suicide. Also, heavy drug users can stay away from friends or family who don't use drugs.
The social control hypothesis suggests that the absence of caring friends and family leads people to neglect and engage in unhealthy behaviors such as eating unhealthy foods and not exercising.
The choices that create unwanted lifestyles are made day by day. They are not made at the level of taking into account a long term lifestyle. Either way, drug use has limited harmful effects. The damage occurs after repeated indulgences. No one would become an addict. A day of drug use doesn't mean addiction.
There are many reason why people keep using drugs even they know the consequences. Let me know what are you thinking about this topic, please share it to us in the comment section. Thank you for reading!
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