Men Do Cry

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Yes, ​Men Do Cry! ​​​​

In our society, whenever a woman shares her feelings, she gets all the attention and caring. And there's nothing wrong with that. 

But whenever a man tries to share what's being burning him from inside,he's called weak, he's made fun of, everyone laughs at him like he's a clown. People think man are strong and they can't complain or cry. It shatters his morale down into pieces. 

We men also have ​​​​heart. We also feel pain. We're not made of stone. We also feel down and what someone to listen to us, to console us, to tell us everything's gonna be fine, to give us a shoulder to cry. He wants someone to tell him that there's nothing wrong in crying.

So, whenever you see a man feeling down, go and give him a hug to make him feel better. 

Yes, ​Men Do Cry! 

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It's because of the way our society is designed, women all want the man to be the stronger even if the troubles of the man is much more than the female counterpart, men are also emotional, they are hurt, they are disappointed and want to cry but they can't because of what ppl will say to them. It's not easy to be a man i tell you. If you see a man passing through some hurtful moments, try to embrace him and pacify him

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I have guy friends and it's sad how they apologize to me everytime they finish opening up to their problems. They'd be like, "I'm sorry, a man shouldn't be crying". I just hate how it was set that men shouldn't cry. They have emotions too!

$ 0.00
3 years ago