What I Have Done So Far

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Tasks, University

The two months strike declared by ASUU started last week Monday so it has been ten days into this strike. This article is mainly about how this past few days has been for me. Even though nothing interesting or notable happened but there should be one or two things to talk about. In short I am writing this article to give an account for how I have been spending this suprise break.

Last week Monday I was happy infact I was depressed. This was because I wasn't happy at all that a total, complete and comprehensive strike was declared by the Academic staffs of federal universities in my country. I was secretly hoping that lectures will resume after their warning strike but that didn't happen. So I spent the whole day wondering how my life was slowly wasted by this group of people. I had the dream that I will finish school at such a young age and start working almost immediately but I know now that it can only be a dream.

That same week I wrote an article about learning a new skill during this period and I listed a group of skill sets I will love to acquire. I haven't started any though but I plan to soon enough. Hopefully before the end of this month.

I also used this period to read a few books. The books were recommended by my school for a particular compulsory course. The title of the books are The Bubble Burst and Refugees of the Great Lakes. The two books are really interesting and not boring as I expected. It was fun reading it and I was very impressed with the authors, they really tried. One of this days I will do a review of both books and go deep into them giving you guys a detailed review.

I have used this opportunity to catch up on some of the movies and series that I was lagging behind. I have also been able to see some films that I haven't been able to see due to my academic work load. I think this is one of the benefits of the strike. I finally get to rest and have some fun unlike if I was in school. I think I have watched more movies in this past week than I have throughout last year. I am even planing to watch The Batman, I just haven't had the time yet.

I have also improved my skills in programming and AutoCAD. I am using FOTRAN and studying it's uses and function. A lot of people say that this programming language is out of date and people barely use it anymore but I still think that it useful especially if you are just starting your journey in programming. I paused my learning on AutoCAD so that I can focus more on FOTRAN.

I think that's all for last week and this week just started so nothing much to talk about. So that's how I've spent my time in a nutshell. I hope I can use the remaining weeks for something more productive. Till then I just want to relax and be taken care of.

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Tasks, University


I love the way you systematically planned what you want to do with this stay home period. It shows you are well organized. A nice trait to imbibe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm blushing right now 😊😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're really using the strike well, I haven't been able to do a lot. I'm trying to understand autocad too tho

$ 0.00
2 years ago

One of my lecturers was speaking some days ago. He said in the olden days, it was students that usually carry posters that their lecturers should be paid. But now, lecturers fight by themselves.

The best you can do at this time is to relax, read and learn profitable skills.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm tired of learning skills 😩

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You can start earning with the skills you have learnt so far.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

ASUU is doing with they know what to do best. It's good you're making good use of your season especially with the acquaintance with AutoCAD and FOTRAN. If the strike continues for a long time, it's good too that you go for multiple skills

$ 0.01
2 years ago