Updates On Bitcoin Cash House Singapore

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Avatar for MobTwo
Written by
2 years ago

I decided to post this update after someone asked me about it. The original comment was at https://read.cash/@MobTwo/bitcoin-cash-house-singapore-e28c9e8a#comment-631528ad

The Bitcoin Cash House premises was provided to me by a friend (as a favor). We had held Bitcoin Cash meetups in there prior to the pandemic. We had a really wonderful and productive time over there, lots of fun memories and in fact, CryptoToPayPal.com was something that happened thanks to one of the meetups in that place. It was totally worth it. In hindsight, I think even if I had to spend money to gain that kind of friendships, I would absolutely do it.

Having said that, after few months, I decided not to continue using it. It wasn't fair to my friend and I don't like to take advantage of other people. Receiving favors from others weigh heavily on my mind throughout those months and so I thought it wasn't worth stressing out (even though my friend didn't pressure me or anything). Long story short, I returned the favor through other means and call it equal. I also need to acknowledge that my strength is not with people. I am usually reclusive, preferring to be away from people and be in front of the computer working and I enjoy being alone working (time flies when that happens). However, when I am with people, I will try to maximize my time with them because I understand how important human relationships are. They can open doors to opportunities and things that I would never have access to if I am forever reclusive. And during those months, it did open new doors for me and I got some lessons out of it.

I'm still very active in BCH for sure and my objective is for BCH to overtake BTC by whatever means necessary. I am working everyday towards that goal by contributing to numerous BCH projects and also trying to bring additional new capital into the BCH ecosystem. I even shut down my decade long profitable tech company just to focus on BCH. I think that explains how much I want BCH to be successful.

Having said that, I do have reservations about the current state of the crypto market. I think it's artificially inflated by the fraudulent Tethers and that means I cannot with good conscience ask my friends (extremely wealthy friends) to put their money in. I would feel extremely guilty if they did something on my advice and they got burnt badly. As a matter of fact, someone whom lost money because of my recommendation to buy BCH, I ended up giving that person back the money from my own pocket, so that I can sleep well at night.

As it stands, I am still waiting for the fraud to clear out. I'm totally not like Michael Saylor who would ask people to sell their homes, take out loans, etc to buy Bitcoin. That's reckless and irresponsible and I'm disgusted by such antics. The amount of frauds in the space is also quite discouraging to me personally.

I am still interested to continue the Bitcoin Cash House at some point later when I am in a better position, financially and time wise. I still need to clear off some loans at the moment. What bothers me for now is that BCH is still behind BTC and it will keep bothering me until that changes.

$ 38.77
$ 34.64 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 1.00 from @btcfork
$ 1.00 from @emergent_reasons
+ 10
Avatar for MobTwo
Written by
2 years ago


Perhaps BCH's slow crawl to the top is actually a good thing. I don't know. I am too new to crypto in general to have an opinion. But I do know the stock market, and sometimes the best companies over time are the ones that crawl their way to the top instead of catapult to the top only to burn out at some point.

I continue to have confidence that BCH has the goods. The question is not about that. But rather if the ones who matter in making BCH's future a possibility have that confidence as well.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hi, I left you a message in discord like 4 days ago....

$ 0.00
User's avatar Bre
2 years ago

Wow, I missed so many of your messages, I am so sorry about that. I only got to see them now.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Unfortunately, BCH isn't evolving as fast as we expected and the price is lagging... development is picking up now, let's see if it keeps up and propels the price up.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If in future , there is any plan to revive the BCH house singapore,do write up here as I'm interested as well

$ 0.10
2 years ago

Singapore crypto will soon be revived

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hello sir hope what you started will continue again soon. House of crypto will be revive just it takes time i know you can. All the best

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm really sorry to hear that it didn't work out. Still, you are awesome for trying! 🙋🎉 What is it like to "live on crypto" in Singapore? Is there as big of a community, as say Hong Kong, Bangkok or Tokyo?

$ 0.10
2 years ago

The BCH community in Singapore is almost non-existent. Most of the people in Singapore are into ETH, followed by BTC. A significant percentage of people who came to the BCH meetups are from other cryptocurrencies such as ETH or even BSV. It doesn't matter what crypto they support, we try to have a good time and leave the toxicity behind. That also explains why the CryptoToPayPal.com project involved a bunch of different cryptocurrencies instead of just BCH.

$ 0.10
2 years ago

Is growth in Singapore to be helped by a grassroots merchant adoption initiative? Perhaps reaching out to businesses that crypto folks already frequent to see if they will accept BCH payments? In New Hampshire, a small but very enthusiastic community have convinced several cities to warm to accepting crypto payments over the years. I don't doubt that something similar in a much larger city-state like Singapore would yield positive results. Also, provided my expenses are managed, I wouldn't be opposed to "knocking on doors" with local Singaporean teams over a couple weeks.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There were some merchants but the problem is lack of BCH customers. Without the customers, all the efforts to onboard the merchants go to waste eventually. I think it is much easier to grow the BCH users and let it organically grow the merchants (since some of the users will be merchants).

$ 0.00
2 years ago

So how would you go about getting people interested in BCH, in addition to ETH? Is this something that could be accomplished through a local crypto meetup?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The meetup is just for me to meet likeminded people. I don't think it will help that much on the adoption front. I am not an expert on adoption so I better refrain from speaking about it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hope you can continue it Sir.,!

$ 0.00
2 years ago